
Department swapping for the win?

Inspired by @clarewhite who wrote about looking at parks and open spaces through different eyes and with a disclaimer that I absolutely know this can’t happen cos it’s utterly bonkers, right, but; What if we all swapped staff for a week? As in, our Communications Department upped sticks and took their rather unique combination ofRead… Read more »

Take part in academic research about the important work you do

The Public Service Research Panel, PSRPanel.org, is an online research panel of public service professionals who volunteer to participate in occasional web-based surveys and studies about the important work they do and the organizations they help lead. If you are a government or nonprofit professional, or graduate student planning a career in public service, youRead… Read more »

In praise of ‘hack’ days

I had the good fortune of being present this weekend (26/3/11) at the ‘show and tell’ of the Rewired State ran ‘Hack the government’ day #nhtg11. Before I say more it might be worth making clear what a hack day is. It is not something naughty or dangerous like trying to damage or deface aRead… Read more »

Public Service Video Contest

The Partnership for Public Service has launched a video contest as part of Public Service Recognition Week! The Challenge: Create a short video depicting the value of government employees and/or what our nation would look like without them. We want contestants, over the age of 18, to consider the vital services performed by government employeesRead… Read more »

GovInsights with Professor Beryl Radin: What Are the 4 Biggest Challenges in Government Right Now?

This interview is part of a series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are researching and writing about government issues. This time we talked with, Professor Beryl Radin- Scholar in Residence for the Department of Public Administration and Policy atRead… Read more »

Links re: political law for Monday, March 28, 2011

REVOLVING DOOR REMINDER. “Ethics experts suggest former Senate aide Doug Hampton’s indictment last week over allegations that he violated Congressional ‘revolving door’ rules will serve as a stark reminder on Capitol Hill and K Street that lobbying rules carry real penalties.” Roll Call. CUPCAKES AND LOBBYING. The Times reports. “In this covetous town, the delicaciesRead… Read more »

Lessons from the Vice President’s ‘journalist-in-a-closet’ incident

It seems a reporter from the Orlando Sentinel spent the better part of an evening fundraiser last week headlined by Vice President Joe Biden locked in a storage closet, news of which made its way onto the Drudge Report. Everyone is bending over backwards to dig their way out of the embarrassment but for thoseRead… Read more »

Civil sector learning event: Exeter, 8th April

Learning Pool, in collaboration with Cosmic, are running an event in Exeter on 8th April to talk about how civil sector organisations can meet their training needs in this age of austerity. Paul McElvaney will be showcasing My Learning Pool – the ludicrously cost-effective new service from Learning Pool that delivers over twenty high qualityRead… Read more »