
Bringing a Higher Level of Emotional Intelligence to the Workplace

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to monitor one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Being able to detect different emotions and label them appropriately as well as react to them appropriately is what emotional intelligence is all about. I would go a step further to say that emotional intelligence inRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Tim Fullerton Discusses Citizen Engagement

The goal of social media is to turn customers into a volunteer marketing army. –Jay Baer Just a few years ago social media was seen as an adolescent playground. Selfies, Facebook pokes, and pointless status updates created what seemed to be a cesspool of millennial playtime. Times have changed. If you don’t have an ongoingRead… Read more »

7 Tips to Make the Most of Your Thrift Savings Plan – No Matter Your Age

Are you saving like you should? Our tips below will help you out, no matter where you are in your public sector career. I happened to be in a government building in Texas last week when I noticed a sign encouraging active participation in a retirement plan. It read: “I’ll save for retirement when I’mRead… Read more »

Keeping You Safe – Protecting You Against Bad Prescription Drugs

We depend on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to protect our health by providing information and regulation for drugs and medical devices. But sometimes when times get tough, the FDA needs to depend on someone as well. Marcia Crosse, Director at the Government Accountability Office (GAO) for the Health Care team, is that pillar.Read… Read more »

Getting the Most from Strategic Reviews

Sometimes looking to your past can improve your future. Napoleon marching on Moscow is an example of project management, which helped future generals avoid being blinded by their own hubris. Closed societies, like the Ming Dynasty in China, illustrate the dangers of getting closed off from potential growth and later helped other societies prosper fromRead… Read more »

Want to Attract Bright, Young Candidates? Treat Them Like It

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there. -Indira Gandhi I have a friend who works for Google. He wakes up every morning greeted by Google transportation that will bring him to work. HeRead… Read more »

So You’re Stuck…Now What? Ways to Get Out of a Rut

Returning from long holiday weekends and vacation get-a-ways can often remind us of the places in our lives we feel stuck: in a job, a community or a relationship. Are you feeling like this little turtle? A few month’s ago, a dear friend and I were walking along a lake shore when we stumbled uponRead… Read more »

The Perks of Being a Government Employee

Government employees have faced a number of “downers” in recent years: sequestration and budget cuts, furloughs, and pay freezes, just to name a few. Federal employees hired today are required to contribute a greater proportion of their salaries to their pensions than those hired just a few years ago. Travel budgets have been cut downRead… Read more »

Become a GovLoop Featured Blogger!

The application is now closed. We will make our decision by July 28. Thank you for your time! At GovLoop, we pride ourselves on our community. There are over 120,000 of you — government employees, industry partners, and knowledge experts — who are extremely engaged. You comment on nearly a thousand posts and discussions eachRead… Read more »