
New Strategic Direction for ANU

Greetings from the Manning Clarke Centre at ANU where Professor Ian Young, the newly appointed Vice Chancellor is discussing the preparation of a new strategic plan for ANU. The current plan is entitled “ANU by 2010”. It was decided not to revise this until the new VC arrived. He is outlining a process where staffRead… Read more »

Widespread errors hinder Obama’s open gov initiative

NCDD member Cindy Gibson sent me this fascinating article from nextgov.com this afternoon, and I thought those of you following Open Gov would be interested… Widespread errors hinder Obama administration’s open government initiative by William Matthews, 03/14/2011, www.nextgov.com/nextgov/ng_20110314_5330.php There are two sides to the Obama administration’s push for open government: On the positive side: ARead… Read more »

What would YOU like to Confab about?

I’d like to get your ideas on topics for future NCDD Confabs: conference calls and webinars for NCDD members where we explore key issues in the dialogue & deliberation community and encourage new connections among members. We held several great Confabs last year before we became neck-deep in planning the regional events. We held aRead… Read more »

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Happy Saint Patricks Day! CivSource will be taking a half day today in honor of our Editor’s Irish heritage. Check back tomorrow for new content. Luck of the Irish to you! Original post

It Begins at the Beginning – Projects that Get in Trouble, Stay in Trouble

As gas prices rocket upward I am reminded of a small personal project I undertook a few years ago that holds lessons for many larger troubled projects in both the public and private spheres. It all started innocently enough when my wife asked me if I could mow the lawn one Saturday afternoon. Since theRead… Read more »