
Conversations for the 21st Century on April 1

From our friends at The World Cafe: the world cafe””>”World Cafe Online Services partner weDialogue””>WeDialogue is launching a series of free, interactive public conversations called conversations for the 21st century””>Conversations for the 21st Century. These events will be telephone-based and use a World Cafe format. Each will focus on a different topic of significance forRead… Read more »

London 2012

Does anyone else have vivid memories of sitting in a school classroom watching a cartoon which involved animals competing in the olympics in preparation for the real Olympics being held in LA in 1984? I was 7. I spent years trying to find someone else who remembered that cartoon – every time I asked IRead… Read more »

NOAA and FEMA – Get ready for spring floods

While we should be prepared for all sorts of problems NOAA and FEMA joined forces to started warning people about spring floods. If everyone does this they will be prepared or partialy prepared for other problems like rain storms, hurricanes, blackouts, etc. How? The basics are teh BASICS! Flashlight, alternate place to go, camping stove,Read… Read more »

Green Building Policy Clearinghouse on the Web

The good folks over at Sustainable Industries recently published an article about Buildingrating.org. Buildingrating.org is a clearinghouse for green building policies and measurement practices. In just a few minutes on the site, we used the Policy Map tool to find out how Kansas implemented a law in 2007 that requires all residential single-family (and someRead… Read more »

Lobby fees in SC, Holman on FEC, Alaska guilty plea and more political law links today

HOLMAN ON THE FEC. In Roll Call. “After April, all but one of the six commissioners on the Federal Election Commission will be sitting with expired terms. Half the commission had their terms expire two years ago.” SUNLIGHT FOUNDATION EVENT ON LOBBYING REFORMS. I enjoyed listening to yesterday’s lobbying reform event on the Hill withRead… Read more »