
How do you develop technology team

A colleague has asked an interesting question and I’d like some help answering. The question: I am working with one of our development teams on their needs/development plans and I wanted to bring external best practices in this area.Do you have any examples (or theory /articles) on how to develop effectively developers / technology teams?Read… Read more »

Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued Bulletin number 1 for a Tsunami Watch at 0555 UTC 11 March 2011 for Japan much of the western and mid pacific are nearby areas. This was due to an earthquake at 0546Z 11 MAR 2011 near the east coast of the Japanese island of Honshu, Japan, then assessedRead… Read more »

Pay to play day, flight news, CU in the city, and today’s non-cynical political law links

PAY TO PLAY DAY. I’m declaring Monday National Pay to Play Day in light of the March 14th initial compliance date for the Securities and Exchange Commission’s new rules involving investment advisers and political contributions. LOBBYIST DONATION BAN. Politico looks at where lobbyists are giving here. “The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional CampaignRead… Read more »