
Online Ambition

Online Ambition is a great project run by Edinburgh Napier University, brought to my attention by the comment that Ella Taylor-Smith left on another post. The aim of the project is to bring together young people, their parents and advisors to discuss using the web to enhance careers, rather than hinder them! This will involveRead… Read more »

Online to real time: online conferences to support sector learning

Lots of councils are putting blanket bans on travel for their staff. This means no conferences, no travel to training, no learning opportunities. No nada. I can, in some ways, understand this. But in other ways, this means that at just the time when people need to be learning how to do things differently, really,Read… Read more »

Call for Submissions: 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries

The annual collaborative document, Best Practices for Government Libraries, showcases government librarians who are innovating and creating success in the workplace and beyond. The 2010 Best Practices for Government Libraries includes 70 articles and other submissions provided by more than 60 contributors from libraries in government agencies, courts, and the military, as well as fromRead… Read more »

FREE listening online webinar

Following up on my post about the importance of listening to what people are saying about you and your organisation online, we’re delighted to be running a free webinar on the subject along with our friends at RepKnight. It’s taking place on Wednesday 16th March between 10:30am and 11:30am. The webinar will include some generalRead… Read more »

CP week tip of the day: Find the cheapest gas

Spokane drivers may not feel like they’re getting much of a bargain on gas these days – but the $3.35/gallon they’re paying on average makes them one of the cities with the lowest prices in the nation. Here are some resources to help you find the lowest prices in your community. Original post

Learning and Dialogue Building

Former Canadian military college, Royal Roads University, is constructing a Learning and Innovation Centre building. One floor will be a “Centre for Dialogue”, intended to carry out a similar function to that of the Wosk Centre at Simon Fraser University.However unlike the Wosk centre, which is essentially a conterence centre with very specalsied discussion roomsRead… Read more »