
PMF and Pathways Programs: Reinventing the Old and Implementing the New- LIVE NOTES!

Sitting here at NAPA headquarters in the same room as OPM Director John Berry and many other influential people in government as well as education. Stay tuned for notes in an ongoing basis: Panel Discussion 1- Holding the Pathways Programs Accountable for the Future Leadership and Human Capital Needs of the Federal Gov “Pathways toRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part V: Controlling the Project and Dealing with Stakeholders

This is the last commentary on the Small Project Management Guide. Thank you all for reading the guide and providing your comments. I firmly believe that good project management will be one of the keys to successfully bringing about Gov 2.0 and Open Gov and I hope I have convinced you to learn more aboutRead… Read more »

Handbook of Online Learning

The Handbook of Online Learning provides an overview of e-learning well grounded in academic theory and research.Some e-learning handbooks provide essentially a cookbook step-by-step guide to using a particular software package the teach little about education, whereas others are so full of pedagogy jargon that they are all but unintelligible. This work is at theRead… Read more »

Electric car not worth the price

One of my Green ICT students saw a Mitsubishi i-MiEV at the Royal Canberra Show. In 2009 I had a brief test drive of the Mitsubishi i MiEV electric car. It worked okay and would be fine for city driving. But I ended up buying an Indian made Suzuki Alto with a 1 Litre petrolRead… Read more »

Success Rule #13 – Dress For Success

I’m not suggesting you run out and purchase a $1,000 suit; however don’t forget Rule #7 – you’re being judged. With that said there are considerations, the industry you are in, the culture of the organization, and some careers were there are uniform requirements. Attention to detail is as important here as it is withRead… Read more »

Live at Transportation Camp East NYC

TransportationCamp East TransportationCamp East will be held in New York City on Saturday March 5 and Sunday March 6, 2011 at the New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, New York NY (map). TransportationCamp East is sold-out, but you can join the wait list. Why Attend? Transportation is a major metropolitan issue, with direct impactsRead… Read more »