
Reform Agenda for Copyright

Greetings from “Policy Form: Righting the Copyright Imbalance”, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra.After “Orphan Works” Kim Weatherall, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Queensland summarised the day. One point she made was ensuring that everyone concerned was “in the room” for discussions on copyright and also that public policy could be developedRead… Read more »

Orphan Works

Greetings from “Policy Form: Righting the Copyright Imbalance”, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra. After “Educational Online Copying”, the last tpic for the day was orphan works. These are documents or other materials for which the copyright owner cannot be found.One of the quirks of current Austrlaian copyright law is that orphan worksRead… Read more »

Educational Online Copying

Greetings from “Policy Form: Righting the Copyright Imbalance”, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra. After discussing the iinet case. I skipped the next session and went to browse the new periodicals in the main NLA reading room. This was more difficult than expected, as NLA have moved the periodicals racks again.Delia Browne, Director,Read… Read more »

iinet Case

Greetings from “Policy Form: Righting the Copyright Imbalance”, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra. After discussing “Safe Harbours” in general, the forum move on to look at the iinet case in detail. This case was over if ISP iiNet Ltd, allowed illegal downloading of films, TV and music. The issue was if iiNetRead… Read more »

Safe Harbours For Information Distributors

Greetings from “Policy Form: Righting the Copyright Imbalance”, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra. After morning tea in the surroundings of the National Library of Australia, the forum recommenced with a panel on “Safe Harbours”.Safe Harbours are legal provisions to protect those who help distribute information but don;t have much control over it,Read… Read more »

Righting the Copyright Imbalance

Greetings from “Policy Form: Righting the Copyright Imbalance”, 4 at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra. This is a one day event organised by the Australian Digital Alliance, which is in effect a lobby group of libraries and educational institutions worried that publishers will limit their access to digital materials. The ANU is aRead… Read more »

Twitter function for GovLoop ?

Twitter’s 140 charecters (140 CHR$) limit is more restrictive than GovLoop. It does offer one advantage – follow. Its easy to see what a person is posting. This is far more refined than the broad “Lates Activity” – which is good! Should this be added ? Does it have a place here?