
Common Practice or Best Practice? A Key distinction in User Adoption practice.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION Congratulations! You’ve just implemented your new IT system. As end-users use the system, they will discover new and creative ways to use the technology. To optimize their efficient methods throughout the end-user community at your organization, you need a mechanism to identify emergent best practicesRead… Read more »

Smart Grid Energy Revolution for Canberra

Robin Eckermann talked on “The SMART GRID – The looming energy revolution” last night at the Australian Computer Society Canberra Branch Forum. He pointed out that electricity meters are the interface between the electricity grid and the customer. The meters are the most expensive component to replace to provide a smart grid, simply because thereRead… Read more »

Roads less travelled, the pain involved & the reasons to persevere #gov20 #opengov #wiunion

Tweet The Road Less Travelled in Worth It! With my wife, I am constantly trying to raise two daughters to be prepared for life in a sometimes turbulent world. The daily conversations are primarily mundane (Spongebob or Disney), but from time to time, more often lately, the topics turn to deeper philosophy and how toRead… Read more »

March Get Redy and Red Cross Month

Feds hit social media geeting people ready! Get ready. Ready for what? Ready for almost anything. Sound impossible? Ready for everything is. Being prepared in general makes one more prepared. That is why Ready.Gov is using Twitter, YouTube, web sites, emails – even Facebook are being used to move people. Did I mention this isRead… Read more »