
Amphibious Ship for Earthquake Relief

The Royal New Zealand Navy reported that multi-role vessel (MRV) HMNZS Canterbury was alongside in Lyttelton when an earthquake struck on 22 February 2011. The ship was able to immediately begin relief operations.Unfortunately Media reports indicate that the Australian Defence Force (ADF) has no comparable ships available to assist, with all in for repair. ThisRead… Read more »

Green City Streets – Web 2.0 for Sustainable Transport

Just started a blog called Green City Streets (http://greencitystreets.blogspot.com/). The blog’s purpose is to explore the application of Web 2.0 techniques to create more sustainable transportation systems. It’s a topic I have been interested in for many years; here are a few of my papers on the subject: An Integrated Web 2.0 Approach for ImprovingRead… Read more »

Passion We Can Learn From These Superheroes

As much as I enjoy public service, these people enjoy it even more. I’m not kidding. They don’t have powers, but they raise money for charity, build awareness and sometimes break up fights. Gov 2.0 should look at their passion when it comes to delivering better services to citizens. See and download the full galleryRead… Read more »

Scamming S.A.T. takers?

A woman received a phone call from someone claiming to be from The College Board who wanted $129 for materials related to the S.A.T. that her grandson had supposedly ordered. Original post

The end of the IT department

37 Signals’ David Heinemeier Hansson: When people talk about their IT departments, they always talk about the things they’re not allowed to do, the applications they can’t run, and the long time it takes to get anything done. Rigid and inflexible policies that fill the air with animosity. Not to mention the frustrations of speakingRead… Read more »

Two Heads Really Are Better Than One!

We all know collaboration, brainstorming and team-work create a better product, solution and action; but whose two heads are creating the best results? In a recent report by Deloitte, “The Gender Dividend: Making the Business Case for Investing in Women“says Two Different Heads are Better than Two Similar Ones. While this may be obvious, itRead… Read more »