
Fundamental Design of Learning Activities

by Aaron Silvers (ADL). Aaron Silvers has innovated the design and production of learning experiences with a variety of technologies for organizations large and small, in both the private and public sectors, for over 15 years. He led the development of a number of SCORM 2004 content examples. Aaron returned to ADL in 2010 asRead… Read more »

How do you respond to “How’ve you been”?

How many times this week have you been asked the question, “How’ve you been?” or its cousin “How are you?” We’ll venture a guess that if you really sat down and counted, that number could be in the hundreds. Now, how many of you have answered with a “Fine, how are you?” Was the responseRead… Read more »

Earmarks, Facebook, super PACs, and issue advocacy in political law links for today

WHAT IS AN EARMARK? That’s the topic of this Hill report. “‘One of the questions that will be worked out over the next year is the question of “what is an earmark,”‘ said Matt Dempsey, Inhofe’s spokesman. ‘Sen. Inhofe has been strong in saying that as long as something is authorized and appropriated, it’s notRead… Read more »

If you research asymmetric war, use the NCTC WITS system

The work of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) is important and, because of the need to protect our nation’s information sources and advantages over international terrorists, criminals and other malicious actors, is not discussed much in the open. But there are things you can learn about NCTC by review of reputable sources. The most importantRead… Read more »

The Most Difficult Person to Get to Know

Each day we come into contact with many different people. We start with those with whom we live and before too many hours of the day have passed we have crossed paths with friends, co-workers, store clerks, etc. These people may or may not be regular fixtures and regardless of their status in our life—howRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is Your Teleworking Strategy (Tele)Working?

In case you missed it, last week marked what was known as “Telework Week”- a dedicated effort to increase awareness and popularity of the now federally mandated initiative and the benefits thereof. But how many federal employees are actually taking advantage of teleworking? With the organized event now behind us (Feb. 14-18), Ed O’Keefe inRead… Read more »

Your Turn: Transparency Questions

On Friday, AABPA will host TRANSPARENCY 2011: THE BUDGET AND YOUR CAREER in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and Public Financial Publications, Inc. The conference is designed to provide key insights on how the current budget situation and heightened demand for budget skills combine to create aRead… Read more »


“There are reasons and results” comes from the personal growth movement. It means there are infinite reasons for not getting your results and they are all equally invalid. Reasons need to be overcome to achieve your goal. In this context, reasons are not good. “You buy on emotion and justify with reasons” is an observationRead… Read more »