

“There are reasons and results” comes from the personal growth movement. It means there are infinite reasons for not getting your results and they are all equally invalid. Reasons need to be overcome to achieve your goal. In this context, reasons are not good. “You buy on emotion and justify with reasons” is an observationRead… Read more »

Making a difference with data

The Big News Yesterday the Making a Difference With Data site launched at madwdata.org.uk . This is an exciting initiative which is helping practitioners, councillors and active citizens alike to publish and use data more effectively. It covers the local authority (transparency and democracy), education, health and social care, housing, roads and transport and policeRead… Read more »

Alaska Governor says no to federal funds for insurance exchanges, calls reform “unlawful”

Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has announced that the state will not apply for federal grants to implement health insurance exchanges in the wake of a judge’s ruling that the health care reform act is unconstitutional. With this move, Parnell joins a growing number of Governor’s who are turning down federal grants for a variety ofRead… Read more »

Is it Fair to Blame Your Waiter When…

My wife and I went to a big name chain restaurant last night. It became the third consecutive bad experience. We thought the first “bad” experience about a year a fluke. Six months later, we said it’s just a bad coincidence. Last night, was our decision point in deciding never to go back. Toward theRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Clear the Air Utah – Drive Less, Breathe Better!

Last week, Andre Blackman reported on an initiative in Salt Lake City called “Clear the Air.” Truth be told, he beat me to the punch! I had interviewed Kate Lilja just a few weeks prior and couldn’t wait to post this Project of the Week…and Andre’s post affirmed the fact that this is an effortRead… Read more »

Red Lodge Clearinghouse

The Red Lodge Clearinghouse (RLCH) website, at www.rlch.org, makes participation in natural resources decision-making easier than ever before. The RLCH website — originally founded in 2001 by renowned fashion designer and philanthropist, the late Liz Claiborne and her husband, Art Ortenberg — has served the needs of individuals and organizations engaged in collaborative natural resourcesRead… Read more »

Myth Busters Campaign in Full Swing to Improve Public/Private Sector Communications

As part of an effort to reform the federal acquisition process for technology, US Federal CIO, Vivek Kundra, unveiled an ambitious 25-point plan for addressing many of the issues that plague the way the government purchases technology in hopes of delivering more value to the taxpayer. Part of the implementation plan was to counter theRead… Read more »