
Happy President’s Day from your Bureaucrat on Sports, the Hokie Guru, only on Govloop!!

Hola!! It’s been a few weeks since the Hokie Guru has blogged here on Govloop… I’m back for a little while… the Guru’s been busy with all things named Georgetown Public Policy Institute (Master of Policy Management – Inspectors General Program). But I’m back today to talk about a potential government shutdown (which is theRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part III: Creating the Project Tasks

Welcome to Part Three of the five-week series on best using the Small Project Management Guide. In the previous weeks we talked about defining the project product and obtaining agreement on what the project will accomplish. Now it is time to plan the project work in detail so our team can begin their work. HereRead… Read more »

Presidents’ Day political law links – I’ve got a few

ENSIGN AND K STREET. Roll Call reports on lobbyists’ sentiments here. “In addition to a Senate ethics probe and lagging poll numbers, a once-reliable base of support — D.C. lobbyists — has quietly started pushing party leaders to get the Senator to exit the race altogether.” SEN. BROWN’S BOOK. An advisory opinion provided to Sen.Read… Read more »

Northeastern states ask LaHood for Florida’s rail money

Last Wednesday, Florida Governor Rick Scott turned down $2 billion in federal grants for high speed rail. The Governor cited potential cost over runs and paying down deficits as reasons for his rejection – a decision which made national news and added to the debate on budget and infrastructure issues. The declaration also led TransportationRead… Read more »

Keep It Real

Creative Commons via wn.com/CRAB Recently, I found myself in an interesting conversation on Twitter regarding the use of social media in emergency drills or exercises. Usually in emergency drills, a script is created that contains various messages or “injects” which are intended to drive participants to act in a certain way. We use these inRead… Read more »