
Landing Helicopter Dock Skip HMAS Canberra Lanuched

The hull of Landing Helicopter Dock Skip HMAS Canberra (LDH 01) has been launched in Spain, reportedly christened with a bottle of sparkling Canberra region wine. Photos from the launch show the ship’s two most prominent features: the ski-jump on the bow, and the stern dock door for landing craft. The ship will be transportedRead… Read more »

FTC sends refund claims to auto warranty fraud victims

Nearly 12,000 Americans defrauded by an auto “extended warranty” robocall scheme are eligible for refunds. The Federal Trade Commission mailed out claim forms this week to consumers swindled by calls made by Voice Touch, Inc., on behalf of Transcontinental Warranty, Inc. Original post

Landing Helicopter Dock Skip HMAS Canberra Lanuched

The hull of Landing Helicopter Dock Skip HMAS Canberra (LDH 01) has been launched in Spain, reportedly christened with a bottle of sparkling Canberra region wine. Photos from the launch show the ship’s two most prominent features: the ski-jump on the bow, and the stern dock door for landing craft. The ship will be transportedRead… Read more »


I love the word, but that’s beside the point. An old ex boyfriend found me today on Twitter. No dramas, we parted company reasonably amicably and time passes and turns reasonably into water passing under bridges. We swapped details, little has changed, he’s doing very well for himself as a PM at Channel 4 andRead… Read more »

New Article: Lessons from The West Wing

Check out my article, Lessons from The West Wing, in the Austin-based literary journal, Black Heart Magazine. It’s about a trip I took to the set of The West Wing during its final season of filming. I got to go for winning the Film DC Screenwriting Competition for my feature-length script, Mount Pleasant. While behindRead… Read more »

SLVHD & UPHA Join Forces “On The Hill”

Today Salt Lake Valley Health Department and the Utah Public Health Association spent the day “On The Hill”, speaking to Utah House Representatives about public health bills in the 2011 General Session. With my microphone in hand, I was lucky enough to speak to both supporters and sceptics of bills such as HB 102 ElectronicRead… Read more »

Salt Lake City Aims to Clear the Air

Recently, I was made aware of a great environmental health campaign that was developed for the good people in Salt Lake City, Utah. Although many images of the landscape are picturesque with rolling hills and stunning mountain peaks – that same geography in Salt Lake County, combined with cold winter temperatures and inactive weather patterns,Read… Read more »

Is Social Media your town square, classroom, coffee house or Nightclub?

On Tuesday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her second speech on internet freedom and social media, two subjects for which she is a strong advocate. She said the internet has become the world’s “town square, classroom, marketplace, coffee house and nightclub”. Today, I attended Facebook’s DC Live Event: Social Media and the WorldRead… Read more »