
Is Social Media your town square, classroom, coffee house or Nightclub?

On Tuesday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her second speech on internet freedom and social media, two subjects for which she is a strong advocate. She said the internet has become the world’s “town square, classroom, marketplace, coffee house and nightclub”. Today, I attended Facebook’s DC Live Event: Social Media and the WorldRead… Read more »

Public service professionals say an interesting job is more important than money, survey finds

A new survey from the Public Service Research Panel (PSRPanel) finds that 69% of public service professionals consider “an interesting job” to be very important to them, while only 9% consider high income to be very important. And 54% consider “helping other people” to be very important. The survey is based on responses from 194Read… Read more »

CFCNCA Raised a Record Breaking $66.7 Million for Charity

Yesterday, I attended the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) Finale event. Federal employees from the Washington, D.C. area celebrated a record breaking amount of money raised in 2010 through various agency campaigns. Federal employees donated $66.7 million (and counting) to about 4,000 local, national and international charities through CFCNCA. They exceededRead… Read more »

Australian Military Sealift and Amphibious Options

Yesterday I wrote “Options for Amphibious Operations by Australian Defence Force”, in response to media reports that the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will have limited capabilities for amphibious operations for the foreseeable future. Today I noticed that the Australian Strategic Policy Institute released “Back to the future: Australia’s interim sealift and amphibious capability” (16 FebruaryRead… Read more »

Smart Grid Energy Revolution

Robin Eckermann will speak on “The SMART GRID – The looming energy revolution” in Canberra, 4:30pm for 5:00pm, 1 March 2011 (Registration Required). Australian Computer SocietyCanberra Branch Forum – MarchThe SMART GRID – The looming energy revolutionTuesday 1st March 2011 4:30pm registration for 5:00pm start The electricity grid hasn’t changed a lot since Edisson inventedRead… Read more »

CRS Report on Government Transparency Asks Right Questions But Doesn’t Go Far Enough

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Back in February 2009 in Challenges Facing Recovery.gov and the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board I wrote the following about making Federal stimulus spending data more accessible and “transparent” to the public: Whatever methods are developed to represent and report on the various processes that are involved in implementing theRead… Read more »

Repeated Use of E-Gov Web Sites: A Satisfaction and Confidentiality Perspective

International Journal of Electronic Government Research: The results suggest that a user’s intention to continue using government Web sites is related to the user’s satisfaction, perceived performance of the Web site and the requirement for confidential information. This research also confirms that gender difference does moderate the relationship between users’ satisfaction levels and repeated useRead… Read more »

The State of Open Data in Canada: The Year of the License

Open Data now an established fact in a growing list of Canadian cities. Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Ottawa have established portals, Montreal, Calgary, Hamilton and some other cities are looking into launching their own and a few provinces are rumored to be exploring open data portals as well. This is great news and a significant accomplishment.Read… Read more »

Continued Evolution of DoD Cyber Policy

The deputy secretary of Defense, the Honorable William J. Lynn III, delivered remarks at the RSA conference that captures a snapshot of DoD cyber policies. This is consistent with the continually improving path the department has been on for the last several years. I recommend a good read of the remarks and hope you shareRead… Read more »

Why User Adoption activities should start before go-live

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION Clients often place priority on the technical build and implementation over end-user readiness. Their assumption is that once the new system becomes operational(go-live), they can focus on getting end-users to engage the system as designed. However, clients often have too little knowledge of end-userRead… Read more »