
Northrop Grumman CEO on Strengthening the Defense Industrial Base http://ow.ly/3WJSF

According to Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush, the key to maintaining the U.S. defense industrial base, in a time of unparalleled threats and domestic economic challenges, lies in choosing key capabilities to support, and in easing export controls for defense companies. Over 600 attendees gathered at the Ritz-Carlton in Tysons Corner, Virginia, on Friday, Feb.Read… Read more »

Health 2.0 Dev Challenge Wrap-Up

Last Saturday, the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge code-a-thon took place at Georgetown University. I should state up front that I didn’t go to code, participate in any particular project, or to specifically push data related to my work. My goals were to observe, learn about how government health data can and is being used byRead… Read more »

What is on Tura Beach?

In the lake behind Tura Beach (NSW) I noticed what looked like a bit of a jetty. But this was not connected to the land and one end sloped down into the water. On the land nearby I noticed what appear to be something of the same design lying on the ground. This was aboutRead… Read more »


Vienna, VA (Feb. 14, 2011) — C² Technologies, Inc. (http://www.c2ti.com/) today announced that it has been awarded a project with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to evaluate NSF’s Web 2.0 presence and use of social media for employee recruitment and to make recommendations for improvement. C²’s evaluation of the NSF Web 2.0 and social mediaRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Powers P&G Factory

Environmental Leader tipped us off to the recent wind turbine installation at a Proctor & Gamble plant in The Netherlands. The turbine will supply 17% of the factory’s energy needs, according to the video. P&G says their ultimate goal is to power their facilities with 100% renewable power, and this is certainly a compelling wayRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part II: The Scope Statement

Welcome to part two of the five- part series on how to best use the Small Project Management Guide. Here is Andy’s question to kick off the discussion: One of my favorite phrases in project management is “Scope Creep.” It sounds cool, but it’s not. It’s awful. Got examples? A simple definition of project scopeRead… Read more »