
Drinks with Tony Barry, 25 February 2011

The Link Mailing List was established by Tony Barry and Eric Wainwright, in 1993. Link has provided a forum on the use of the Internet and for creating public policy for Australia for 17 years. Tony recently announced he was standing down as list administrator and Eric has invited “Linkers”, both old and new, toRead… Read more »

Masada Game Theory

I was explaining game theory to a persistent optimist. “If you’re not going to do business with someone again, take him for all he is worth.” The optimist replied, “Why would you do that?” A very successful person, couldn’t see the point of game theory. I am seeing a lot of this “game theory” beingRead… Read more »

CB2: NYC BigApps – Cast Your Vote

Today was the perfect day to spill mouthwash on my Verizon Blackberry. Why? The Verizon iPhone is available in stores tomorrow and NYC BigApps 2.0 Competition has launched their application gallery for public voting. The BigApps competition excites me because like many of us here, I’m always on the lookout for new businesses and utilitiesRead… Read more »

From Recent College Grad to CPO: It’s a Gov Up..Mash Up!

That’s right! If you haven’t heard about the Gov Up that is taking place tomorrow at Public House in National Harbour, then you’re missing out! The “Rock Your Career” Gov Up, will be a Mash Up of young govies and experienced executives. Holding true to the “melting pot” American spirit, individuals from the private sector,Read… Read more »

National Security Strategy as Art

Wordle is a capability for generating “word clouds” from text. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the body of the text. The Wordle below was created based on the newly released 2011 National Security Strategy. Wordle of the US Military Strategy 2011 What conclusions can you draw about ourRead… Read more »

The problem with the UBB debate

I reley dont wan to say this, but I have to now. This debate isso esey! Really, it is. The back and forth for and against UBB has – for me – sadly so missed the mark on the real issue it is beyond frustrating. It’s been nice to see a voice or two likeRead… Read more »

Colorado awards eGovernment grants to improve online services

The Colorado Statewide Internet Portal Authority awarded 24 local governments with grants totaling nearly $100,000 to increase the availability of online services, products and information in the state. The eGovernment Services Grants are designed to help local government offices migrate their services online and improve service delivery to their constituents. The Statewide Internet Portal AuthorityRead… Read more »

Transformative potential of Blended learning

Greetings from the ANU where I am in a discussion of “Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education” by D. Randy Garrison and Heather Kanuka (2003). On the other end of a video link the the University of South Australia. What strikes me about this and many other papers on blended and e-learningRead… Read more »