
Why “Best Practices” Won’t Fix Federal IT

Federal Computer Week recently published my op-ed piece Why best practices won’t fix Federal IT. I’d be very interested in hearing from GovLoop members what they think of it. The idea came from the “25-Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management” released by Vivek Kundra on December 10 of last year. No. 10Read… Read more »

Mentoring Learning Community Focus Group

Mentoring Learning Community Focus Group Strategic Partners would like to invite you to participate in a new Focus Group for the purpose of structuring the 2011-2012 Mentoring Learning Community which discusses best practices related to invigorating, designing, and managing successful mentoring programs. Invitation to 2011 Mentoring Learning Community Focus Group As you know, Strategic PartnersRead… Read more »

Planning 2011 Generation of Government Summit

Last year’s was awesome, and now the 2011 conference is coming. These are a few photos of brainstorming sessions. Take a look. If there’s an idea up there that you would like to see, let us know. See and download the full gallery on posterous Permalink | Leave a comment » Original post

What federal government leaders can learn from the Best Companies for Leadership

If you were like me, on January 25 you sat glued to your television for over an hour watching President Barack Obama deliver his second state of the union (SOTU) address. What is abundantly clear after hearing his address is that it will take more than ideological compromises in Congress to win the future forRead… Read more »

Goals and Objectives for the #SMEM Initiative – Request for Input

I’ve just added a section to the wiki http://wiki.crisiscommons.org/wiki/SMEM_Initiative to identify SMEM goals and objectives – what we would like to achieve by IAEM 2011 (and beyond) – so we are able to then work backwards to develop a clear plan of action and collaborate across all initiatives, presentations, meetings, conferences, etc. Consider what weRead… Read more »