
GovReads: Sh** My Dad Says

You know how when we are growing up and our parents say the stupidest things? Things like “I brought you into the world and I can take you out” or “Because I said so, that’s why”. Good times…good times. If you’re like me, you promised yourself that your wouldn’t say such stupid things. I stuckRead… Read more »

Looking for a real book in a library

While on holiday I got a message to say that a book I had requested was ready for collection from the library. Back from holidays I went to the library and asked at the front desk for the book. But was told that because I had taken so long the book was no longer there.Read… Read more »

Looking for a real book in a library

While on holiday I got a message to say that a book I had requested was ready for collection from the library. Back from holidays I went to the library and asked at the front desk for the book. But was told that because I had taken so long the book was no longer there.Read… Read more »

Working with Upset Customers? Turn down the H.E.A.T.

“When I have an angry customer, I just put the phone down on my desk and walk away. By the time I get back, they are either calm, or they hung up. Problem Solved.” I really did have a student in one of my classes make that statement. I’ve heard a lot of odd perceptionsRead… Read more »

Will Civil Servants Survive the Fiscal Freeze? LIVE CHAT, Wednesday 1/26 at 11a ET

Update 1/27: LIVE CHAT Archive found here: http://bit.ly/glsotuchat Check it out, GovLoopers! We’re teaming up with the Washington Post to host a live chat next Wednesday morning right here on GovLoop. Next Wednesday at 11a — the morning after the President’s State of the Union address — we’ll be using CoverIt Live to support aRead… Read more »

Eight Signs Your Organization Needs an Editor

1. Your writers assure you they don’t need an editor. 2. Clients send back documents with errors circled in red. 3. Clients threaten to take business elsewhere due to poor document quality. 4. You’ve ever been featured on websites that exist mostly to make fun of poor spelling and grammar. 5. Your managers spend halfRead… Read more »