
Learning Pool talks Social Care e-learning in Manchester and London

In the run-up to Wednesday’s publication of the health and social care bill David Cameron is discussing his plans to overhaul public services, including the NHS, today. You can voice your thoughts on Cameron’s plans with other social care professionals by grabbing one of the few places remaining at our free expert-led Social Care briefingsRead… Read more »

ICT for Education in the Asia Pacific Region

Digital Review of Asia Pacific provides a useful overview of what is happening with computers and telecommunications across the region. The latest time series publication is “DIGITAL REVIEW of AsiaPacific 2009–2010”. This includes a section on “Regional issues in ICT in education”:Education for All in the Digital AgeDakar Framework for ActionNew TechnologyEight Factors to ConsiderTrendsRead… Read more »

Feds want pilot programs to address congestion problems

The federal Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration is looking for a few good pilot programs that could help address the nation’s $60+ billion congestion problem. The application deadline for a $10.5 million grant from the Department of Transportation for Value Pricing Pilot (VPP) programs has been extend by two weeks, an announcementRead… Read more »

State of the Net Conference. Does Government “Get It?”

The OGTV family is spending its morning at the State of the Net Conference held at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. The event is presented by the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus. This morning, our Director of New Media, a political and government social media strategist, Stephanie Noble had a quick breakfastRead… Read more »

Electric Vehicles and Safety

Volvo has released a video to show consumers how an EV, though quite different from a gasoline-powered car due to its large battery, is every bit as safe. Despite a terrible head-on collision, the essential elements of the EV remain safe. Take a look at the video below and see for yourself. Share this article!Read… Read more »

Did You Telework Today?

Did today’s ice sheet over DC cause you to wish your agency supported teleworking? It’s now encouraged by law, but how do agencies actually get it implemented? The IBM Center has released a new report examining the experiences of four pioneering agencies and what they learned, so you don’t have to! There are enormous benefitsRead… Read more »