
Suicide Prevention and “Doing Something”

MMoldeven San Diego San Diego Comment I was getting well into being an ‘older adult’ during ‘Viet Nam’ working as a civil servant in the IG shop on a major USAF installation in central California. The facility, among its many responsibilities, was to serve as another gateway for Armed Forces to and from Southeast Asia.Read… Read more »

Join Richard Dreyfuss on Monday for “It’s Time for a Talk”

NCDD has been invited by The Dreyfuss Initiative to be a participating sponsor of “It’s Time for a Talk,” a series of unique National Conversations on revitalizing America’s civic culture–the first of which is on MONDAY. You can participate online on Monday at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific by visiting www.timeforatalk.org. I encourage NCDDers toRead… Read more »

From Passionate Process to Poetic and Playful Puzzle – Part I: The Art of Reviving and Writing “The Reorg Rag” ™

As I open this essay, please forgive an immodest turn. Upon reading or hearing one of my edgy or catchy phrasings, for example, the title of my book, Practice Safe Stress, or a motivational mantra, such as, “Do know your limits and don’t limit your ‘No’s,” I often receive some verbal or nonverbal sign ofRead… Read more »

The State of the Coast Guard Address… what’s ADM Papp going to say? [opinion]

We’re just around the corner, historically speaking, from the annual State of the Coast Guard Address and though I dare not think to know what ADM Bob Papp may speak about, if only for the fact that there’s an unlimited amount of things that are on his plate, I happened across a great resource givingRead… Read more »

Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson

Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson Ron Manderscheid, PhD Executive Director, NACBHDD Last weekend, a tragedy of national proportions occurred in Tucson Arizona. Twenty-two-year-old Jared Lee Loughner repeatedly fired a pistol into a group at a Saturday political rally organized by Representative Gabrielle Giffords of the 8th Arizona District. Six people were killed outright, including aRead… Read more »