
Join Richard Dreyfuss on Monday for “It’s Time for a Talk”

NCDD has been invited by The Dreyfuss Initiative to be a participating sponsor of “It’s Time for a Talk,” a series of unique National Conversations on revitalizing America’s civic culture–the first of which is on MONDAY. You can participate online on Monday at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific by visiting www.timeforatalk.org. I encourage NCDDers toRead… Read more »

From Passionate Process to Poetic and Playful Puzzle – Part I: The Art of Reviving and Writing “The Reorg Rag” ™

As I open this essay, please forgive an immodest turn. Upon reading or hearing one of my edgy or catchy phrasings, for example, the title of my book, Practice Safe Stress, or a motivational mantra, such as, “Do know your limits and don’t limit your ‘No’s,” I often receive some verbal or nonverbal sign ofRead… Read more »

The State of the Coast Guard Address… what’s ADM Papp going to say? [opinion]

We’re just around the corner, historically speaking, from the annual State of the Coast Guard Address and though I dare not think to know what ADM Bob Papp may speak about, if only for the fact that there’s an unlimited amount of things that are on his plate, I happened across a great resource givingRead… Read more »

Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson

Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson Ron Manderscheid, PhD Executive Director, NACBHDD Last weekend, a tragedy of national proportions occurred in Tucson Arizona. Twenty-two-year-old Jared Lee Loughner repeatedly fired a pistol into a group at a Saturday political rally organized by Representative Gabrielle Giffords of the 8th Arizona District. Six people were killed outright, including aRead… Read more »

Advice from Adam: The Only 3 Questions You’ll Ever Need to Know

For over a year now, I’ve been meeting almost every week with a guy named Adam Schultz and his team at Change & Course. He’s been offering some great insight on how to improve GovLoop and it just dawned on me this week that you’d probably benefit from the lessons I’m learning, too. With thatRead… Read more »