
Envisioning Leadership Beyond the Battlefield: How Do You Do It?

Hello, join the discussion from GovLearning: https://www.govloop.com/group/govlearning/forum/topics/envisioning-leadership-beyond As I passed the Pentagon en route to ASTD today, I thought about Georgia Sorenson’s fascinating article “Leadership Beyond the Battlefield” in the most recent issue of The Public Manager. If you missed it you can get more here: http://www.thepublicmanager.org/journal/insidethisIssue.aspx Fundamentally, Sorenson looked at how civilian and militaryRead… Read more »

The Business of Being Real

Eight years ago, I was 22, and was just starting my first full-time job in the “real world.” I was a Marketing Assistant for a mid-size consulting company in Cambridge, MA. After a few days on the job, I realized I would be writing A LOT (which just tickled me pink), but I also realizedRead… Read more »

What are our national values?

Today at 11 am, I stopped working for a few minutes to participate in the Moment of Silence for the victims in Tucson Arizona. As I paused, I thought about the millions of people around our nation who were also participating. I got the chills. I wondered who the other people were, where they lived,Read… Read more »

The 3 A’s of Awesome

As many of you remember from GovLoop’s Inaugural Next Generation of Government Summit last July, Neil Pasricha, author of the blog 1000 Awesome Things and the Book of Awesome gave a truly inspiring presentation on how to focus on the positive. Our Community Manager Andy Krzmarzick then challenged us to think of 1000 Awesome ThingsRead… Read more »

Securing Government Data on consumer mobile devices… are you secured?

iPhones, iPads, Droids, etc., Everyone wants to use their own personal devices to connect and collaborate, but is their data protected and more importantly how are you as an agency protecting Government data on these non-blackberry smartphones? Please share your thoughts and I can provide you a solution.

More Details – Recruiting/Hiring Students and Recent Grads

More information from John Berry on Executive Order 13562: On December 27, 2010, President Obama signed Executive Order 13562 entitled “Recruiting and Hiring Students and Recent Graduates.” The principal purpose of the order is to establish a comprehensive structure to help the Federal Government be more competitive in recruiting and hiring talented individuals who areRead… Read more »

Finishing the First Week of CON 090

My first impression was right: this is a very difficult class. It’s actually one of the most intellectually challenging classes I’ve taken. (The most difficult was Philosophy 101 with Dr. Janowski; guess which one he is. And yes, that intro class was tougher than any other philosophy major class.) I discovered the beauty and horridnessRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Marco Morales

Marco Morales Title: Senior Public Affairs Specialist U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command 1. What was your path to public service/current job? I served in the U.S. Army 20 years from 1973 to 1993 so that makes me a Vietnam-era veteran. Early on in my military career I learned that being in the All-volunteerRead… Read more »