
Telework, Mobility, and No-Name Programs

A recent study, “Top Trends in Alternative Workplace Strategies,” conducted by New Ways of Working, makes some interesting points about the status of workplace mobility programs in the private sector. One point is that the most common name for these programs is “no name.” When asked about how they refer to their mobility program, manyRead… Read more »

Hoops Madness

In a world of opportunity and privilege, how do you stop and remember that not all live in that world? How do you give back to your community? For me personally, the notion of noblesse oblige, and giving back, has always been important. In my business, as well, one of our core beliefs and practicesRead… Read more »

Parody Site for DC Metro Riders Launches

There’s a multitude of great websites out there that we all secretly have bookmarked and that we find ourselves drawn to for a quick laugh or to waste away some hours of unmitigated boredom. Indeed, such sites can become the bane of our existence and an outlet for procrastination when there’s work to be done,Read… Read more »

Bringing Hacker Culture to the ASPA Conference

UPDATE: Want to give a lightning talk at the ASPA conference? See http://wp.me/p4a7oW-18 If a public administrator wants to be taken seriously, should she wear a suit or a hoodie? It depends which culture she’s dealing with. Traditional public administration culture focuses on hierarchical institutions–how the public administrator can serve the institution’s mission and advanceRead… Read more »

Brush that Dirt off Your Bike Lanes – Social Media for Spring Cleaning … Even When Spring Isn’t Quite Springing Yet.

I am getting tired of the cold weather. Here in DC we usually start to see Spring right about now and are able to look forward to warm weather, rooftop happy hours, and cherry blossoms. I decided, though, that instead of being negative about the everlasting winter I would look on the positive side andRead… Read more »

Applying Instameets to Your Event

Federal Computer Week recently highlighted the growing use of the practice of instameets in government. Most recently, Instagram users were invited to submit photos or videos (via Instagram) to show why they should be invited to a sneak peek of DC’s cuddliest new resident, Bao Bao the baby panda. The National Zoo picked the winnersRead… Read more »

John Mahoney Comments: How will DC’s Bill to Decriminalize Pot Impact Employees & Employers?

How will DC’s Bill to decriminalize pot impact employees & employers in the District? Find out on Channel 8 in DC tonight at 8:30 or 11:30, or click on the following link – http://www.wjla.com/blogs/news-talk/2014/02/darrel-thompson-fed-benefits-for-same-sex-couples-marijuana-the-workplace-20897.html

6 Amazing Productivity Tips

Do you consider yourself to be a hardworking person, but get exhausted before finishing a task? Before you think it’s you — take a look at your distractions. They’re draining all your energy! These tried and tested tricks kill distractions and make you the most productive person in the office. 1. Wear noise-cancellation headphones whileRead… Read more »

What I Heard This Week at Outlook

This week, I had the opportunity to attend Governing’s Outlook in the States and Localities event held in DC. Like every year, the room was chock full of industry folks hoping to hear something that would enable them to improve their relationship with state and local government, each listening with a unique filter for thatRead… Read more »