
Mobile Virtual Platforms – Possible sea change

(PingBack to original post on buzzfreezone.wordpress.com: http://wp.me/p1bJuJ-3b) There have been a few recent developments that have individually generated an aggregate reaction somewhat equivalent to “Meh” (although the specialty markets and analysts have been abuzz). However, taken together, I think they can form the platform basis for a Sea Change in mobile platforms. Of course, aRead… Read more »

Social Networking Analysis and Homeland Security

Cross-posted from my Posterous blog – The Army Major – a Military Intelligence officer – is monitoring that blog. If any of you are willing to comment publicly, please provide your responses there. If you desire to provide anonymous input for his thesis, either email me directly. All such responses will be considered for non-attributionRead… Read more »

The US Census and the Amazing Apportionment Machine

Watch video. Apportionment is the process of dividing the seats in the House of Representatives among the 50 states based on the population figures collected during the decennial census. But how does it actually work? Through animation, the US Census Bureau helps explain how the apportionment formula is used to ensure equal representation for all,Read… Read more »

Is Your Job Market Competitive? 6 Ways to Find Out

In one of my recent posts, I came up with a silly scheme to determine how long someone’s job search would last. One of the factors in this four-factor formula relates to how competitive your job market is. This data would pretty useful to have before launching a career transition or new graduate study program,Read… Read more »

Better Meetings

I was volunteered to watch a client’s repeating meeting. Depressing. It was scheduled for an hour, people arrived late to protect themselves or avoid discomfort, went for over 90 minutes. What I learned: Opinions don’t count. As satisfactory as airing an opinion is to the opinionator, it didn’t add value to the conversation. Higher statusRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Analysis of Open Government Plans at One Year

Open Government reaches a key milestone this week. Plus, we’re nearing the end of 2010 and many folks will be sharing their Top 10’s for 2010. Rather than launch into that kind of look back here (though that’s all coming soon!), I wanted to highlight some insights I gleaned from Angela Newell, who is completingRead… Read more »

Take the “Difficult” Quiz

Does your employer think of you as “difficult” … and before you answer that, let me add that difficult employees aren’t necessarily bad employees. Some employees are viewed as “difficult” because they’re effective catalysts for organizational change. They’re engaged in their work and confident in their contributions to the workplace. They clearly communicate their desireRead… Read more »

New, Free Open Access to Law Site for India: Legal Information Institute of India

The Legal Information Institute of India: LIIofIndia is now available. Here’s a description from Teresa Miguel of the Yale Law School Library. According to Miguel, LIIofIndia provides free access to full text of primary and secondary legal resources, and: has 50 databases, including over 300,000 decisions from 37 Courts and Tribunals, Indian national legislation fromRead… Read more »

Tools for Transparency: GovSM

This is a cross post from my original guest blog post at the Sunlight Foundation. By now, we’ve all heard about the social media wave and most of us have heard about Gov2.0 and governmental use (or their feeble attempts to use) social media. Though there have been many discussions amongst “good gov” people aboutRead… Read more »