
Daily Dose: Do New Sick Leave Changes Make You Sick?

The pay freeze has been everywhere ever since it was announced, and rightly so! In fact, some GovLoopers have been talking about ways to make life better for Feds without pay bumps. Well, it looks like OPM is already on it… kind of. According to Ed O’Keefe’s latest Federal Eye piece, OPM is reshuffling theirRead… Read more »

3 Reasons Why Cities Should Focus on Seniors, Not Whippersnappers

Last week, I served on a panel at the National League of Cities Congress in Denver, Colorado. Fellow panelists included Harvard’s John O’Leary, The Performance Institute’s Alan Shark, Muni Gov 2.0 co-founder Pam Broviak and Social Media for Responders founder Mark Basnight. Each of us offered our insights about the state of social media inRead… Read more »

National Defense University Press Launches Online Scavenger Hunt, Taking on a Web 2.0 Attitude

Washington, D.C. — Beginning Tuesday, December 14, National Defense University Press (NDU Press) will be hosting a holiday scavenger hunt to highlight its Web site and publications. The event kicks off on the NDU Press Facebook page at 12:00 p.m. EDT. The scavenger hunt will occur across all NDU Press sites, which include a mainRead… Read more »

My 4 Part Government Engagement Funnel

Often government engagement is done as a one-off. A one-time call for feedback. A one-time challenge. However, I think government should think more about building long-term relationships and engagement with stakeholders. Think about it in a non-profit, political, or for-profit model: -For-profit – Does Groupon want you to just buy today’s deal? Nope – theyRead… Read more »

Geek Nostalgia – What my geek past has taught me

Its weird when you think back and see how things affect you over time, and how what you know is rooted in the path you take in life. I recently read Malcolm Gladwell’s excellent book “Outliers” that carries this underlying message throughout its narrative. Among many of its messages, I was really intrigued by theRead… Read more »

What’s the right size for YOUR organization & how do I get there? Find Out This Thursday Morning

This is one of the most important underlying questions of the day! Too large means wasted resources ($$$) in carrying excess capacity, staff & real estate; too small means wasted opportunities ($$$) because of insufficient resources to meet demand (do you see a trend here? Hint: it’s costing you $$$ either way). Optimal size isRead… Read more »

Some Different Thinking around PSA Contests

PSA contests can produce some really interesting results and they can be innovative and creative in ways that the sponsoring organizations often can’t. Moreover, the user-generated messaging has the potential to resonate with target audiences much more effectively than with campaigns that are broader and more diffuse in their approach. With the recent establishment ofRead… Read more »