
Will Federal Budget Pressures Help or Hinder Adoption of Collaboration & Social Networking Applications?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Last year I published Are Federal Acquisition Practices Accelerating the Move of Government Computing to the Cloud? I wondered then if complexities in cumbersome government acquisition processes might have the unintended consequence of stimulating a move to “cloud computing” and a resulting shift in both IT infrastructure and application architectures.Read… Read more »

Suicide Prevention:Are We Doing Enough?

Suicide Prevention:Are We Doing Enough? During ‘Viet Nam’ (year ’62 to ’74 when I retired) I had put in more than a dozen years working in the IG shop at McClellan AFB, near Sacramento. Now long deactivated, the installation had had its share of active military-tenants during its lifetime as well as an Air ForceRead… Read more »

The People Behind the Numbers

The 2010 CFCNCA hit the $20 million milestone! Before this blog is written, posted and read by GovLoop users, we are confident Federal employees will have rallied again to hit the 2010 goal. The power behind this machine is fueled by Federal employees who give their time, demonstrate their commitment and showcase their creativity toRead… Read more »

Duty to Die

The cost of health fcare or DOD is squeezing other budget essentials. Most particulally, the growing costs along three lines merit special attention Retirees Dependents TBI and PTSD for the active force along with dramatic changes in the WIA/KIA ratio (more survivors with long term care and rehab needs What to do? Raise co-pays andRead… Read more »

Develop Your Leadership Talent

The Coming Challenge for Intelligence Community Leaders As military combat in Iraq and Afghanistan winds down into a world wide counter-terror campaign of drone strikes, special forces raids, law enforcement operations and security measures, reliance on intelligence and the Intelligence Community will only increase. Yet, the first indications of a bleak future for the peopleRead… Read more »

Death of the Federal Career Internship Program

Many of our largest employer clients are federal government and Fortune 500 organizations because our two most popular recruitment advertising tools are well suited to organizations with large hiring needs. News out of Washington, D.C. last week got me to thinking about whether we could help our clients hire veterans and disabled college students andRead… Read more »

7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: 7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media Wait! Don’t hire that college intern for your social media needs… not just yet, at least. First: Stop, and reflect on the following questions: What do I know about their use of social media? Sure, theyRead… Read more »

Two Approaches to Treating Frequent International Flyers at Homeland Security

The Wall Street Journal published a fascinating story on November 4, 2010 about the success of the US Customs and Border Protection’s Global Entry program in helping international frequent flyers speed their way through checkpoints at Dulles and 19 other busy airports. The program costs $100 and requires participants to provide a background check andRead… Read more »