
Happy 235th Birthday U.S. Marine Corps!

The Continental Marines were founded November 10, 1775, by a resolution passed by a committee of the Continental Congress. The resolution drafted at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia called for two battalions of marines to aid in the fight for independence on land and sea. Samuel Nicholas was the Commandant of the newly formed Marines andRead… Read more »

FICM Pecha Kucha – 2nd Thurs in Feb 2011 @ 11 am PDT

Federal Intranet Content Managers Lightning Round Presentations Everyone welcome, all sectors of government, civil service, contractor, private sector, int’l, general public, academia, etc. Suggested Topics: What Makes My Intranet Unique, Why I love Social Media, Cool New Social Apps, etc. Meetings will be online via GoToMeeting – 1000 participants max. Use IdeaScale to get ideas.Read… Read more »

TEDxMidAtlantic: Disruptive IDEAS, Breath Taking MOMENTS and CHALLENGERS All Over the Place

On Friday at Sydney Hall it was all about ideas worth spreading. TED, the usually very exclusive (and expensive) premium event was coming to DC for not only affordable prices but also for an audience that is willing to make a difference. Now, you might wonder how does that differ from any of the otherRead… Read more »

Strategic Planning and the Value of Libraries

From the Government Info Pro: Thanks to Ellen Ensel, Director of Knowledge Management and Library Services, U. S. Institute of Peace, for the this article: Strategic Planning and the Value of Libraries. This article was originally published in the 2010 Best Practices for Government Librarians: The New Face of Value. Best Practices is a collaborativeRead… Read more »

Where Malcom Gladwell Left Off: Social Media & Next Generation Democracy

This post originally appeared on my blog, http://wethegoverati.wordpress.com Last month Malcom Gladwell wrote an article in the New Yorker: “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted.” I’ve been thinking about this article ever since it came out, and people have asked me to respond on several occasions. When I read Next Generation DemocracyRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Do You Have a “Duty to Die”?

This interview marks the third of a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are teaching, researching and writing about government issues. This time, we talked to Dr. James Keagle, Director of the Transforming National Security at theRead… Read more »

Community Building: No Agency is an Island, or a Planet!

No agency is an island, or a planet for that matter, so let’s talk about what best practices we can learn from others who are building communities and making it happen! ———————————————— Ever want to be a fly on the wall? How about a fly on the wall in a NASA space lab as theyRead… Read more »

Top 5 – How to Host an Off-Site Team Meeting

*********************************************************************** Not a Govloop Member? 30 Secs & Free to Join for Great Info & Perks *********************************************************************** Most organization have an off-site team meeting at some point. They are often used as strategy sessions and team-building sessions among other goals. Recently, we held the 1st ever GovLoop team off-site. Here are my tips on hostingRead… Read more »

Riding the Leadership See-Saw

If you are a leader working in an organization, you know what I’m talking about. You are constantly having to ride the competition-cooperation see-saw. You must cooperate (to get and keep clients/get work done) and compete (for internal resources) simultaneously. Leaders who struggle with the competition-cooperation see-saw face constant anxiety, frustration and career ending jobs.Read… Read more »