
GovUp Boston Round Up – If You Got A Problem Yo I’ll Solve It

First off let me say that Boston was definitely a great city to end our GovUps tour in. All the cities rocked but Boston definitely brought the energy! We had tons of different people repping different places from all levels: federal (GSA people in Boston were a blast), State of Mass, YGL Boston and more.Read… Read more »

Federal Intranet Content Managers: Call for Presenters

The Federal Intranet Content Managers (FICM) invite YOU to participate in the FICM meeting through “lightning round” presentations to kick off the new fiscal year. You may recall this format being used at the 2010 Government Web Managers Conference — several speakers presented for roughly 5 minutes each on a single topic, allowing several topicsRead… Read more »

Is OpenGov 1950 Stymieing OpenGov 2010?

The Obama Administration is committed to using technology to better engage citizens in their government. Ironically, legislation crafted in the 1950s to open citizen access to government documents may be a barrier to today’s Open Government initiatives. The Federal Records Act of 1950 creates a framework to manage agency records. It puts the National ArchivesRead… Read more »

A few of my notes from the Adobe Government Assembly (or “What I learned from David Plouffe”)

Yesterday, I attended the Adobe Government Assembly at the Reagan building. This was my second #govtassembly. I took 2 1/2 pages of notes from the afternoon keynote by David Plouffe, author of “The Audacity to Win” and Campaign Manager, Obama for President 2008. I thought I’d put some of my notes here so that youRead… Read more »

Top Webinar Tips – How to Manage Citizen Feedback and Reduce Overhead

We hosted a successful webinar yesterday, How to Manage Citizen Feedback and Reduce Overhead. Nearly 60 governments attended to hear Citywide Records Manager, Wendy Klock-Johnson from the City of Sacramento, discuss how the city successfully streamlined citizen participation with a new tool called eComment and why social media didn’t work! Wendy posted a blog articleRead… Read more »

Focusing on WHY to Drive Adoption: iPad is Current, Learning and Productive. What is Government?

These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of travel and conferences. I’ve enjoyed several typical byproducts of those types of events (networking, learning, etc…) but also a few things that are much rarer: inspiration and re-energized passion. This is largely thanks to my most recent stop: NASA’s Education Innovation Summit, held in Orlando, FLRead… Read more »

The impact of open government on election 2010

Open government, using social media, open data, and other solutions, has been a focus area for many of us for some time. While this evolution (no, not a revolution) in government is slow, as change often is, it is impacting the way government runs and politicians campaign. You do, after all, remember what happened inRead… Read more »