
FedDidUKnow Monthly Twitter Summary – October 2010

FedDidUKnow Monthly Archive October, 2010 There are many tools out there to track, capture and download tweets. However, I figured a monthly archive of @FedDidUKnow would be much more useful. Let me know what you think! #Gov can leverage #OCS to create Mass #Notification System for Physical/Public Safety w AdHoc. Ft Hood/Riley using now. http://bit.ly/aF1EegRead… Read more »

Since you put it that way… Making sense of making a decision about the cloud.

In my opinion, the cloud provides the most cost effective, innovative, efficient, reliable and secure method of providing specific core IT services to business and organizations. Most people out there, or at least those people in IT, already know about the cloud, and most of us have our own thoughts and perceptions about what itRead… Read more »

Want Lots of Responses to Your Contest? Think PR!

Alice Lipowicz of Federal Computer Week wrote an interesting article about different government contests going on – some very successful, some not so much: http://fcw.com/articles/2010/10/04/low-participation-ssa-contest-remedies.aspx?sc_lang=en I expect we’ll be seeing more of this trend, so if you’re planning to try this approach, I’d like to offer some advice on how to ensure your organization’s contestsRead… Read more »

Help ID new GovTwits after 2010 elections

Americans take to the polls November 2nd, and regardless of the political party results, one thing’s for certain: there will be newly elected officials who won’t be listed in GovTwit. That’s where you can help. If you know or learn of a new governor, senator, representative or any elected official who is on Twitter, pleaseRead… Read more »

Welcoming Citizen 2.0 into Your Agency

Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about the other half of Gov 2.0: Citizen 2.0. My goal has been twofold: first, to help citizens understand that engaging government isn’t all-or-nothing. Citizens can participate in meaningful ways both from home and outside it. They can work in and for their community by themselves and asRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Peace Corps Pressing Toward 10,000 Volunteers

At their apex, Peace Corps volunteers totaled 9,000 back in 1970. Ed O’Keefe of the Washington Post reports that the number of volunteers is now 8,655 – that’s nearly one thousand more than a year ago and hopefully moving toward its goal of 10,000 per year: Peace Corps volunteer totals reach 40-year high According toRead… Read more »

Go Direct

We are developing a new sales process. My client has a desire to attract a potent source of referrals. The more we talked, the more I realized that aiming for referrals would probably make the campaign maybe one tenth as effective, friction while going from Point A to Point B to Point C. We hadn’tRead… Read more »