
Hermeneutics and Diversity

As discussed previously on this blog, hermeneutics is the study of the interpretation of of events. So, in studying the usefulness of hermeneutics in public administration, we must consider how different groups interpret events differently. Here’s an example: Last year, one city determined that its volunteer boards and commissions were composed of only 15% minorities,Read… Read more »

Lessons in Collaboration

When we speak of collaboration we often talk about the benefits of serendipity or emerging leadership, but within the confines of the current public institution, complete with Ministerial accountability, perhaps we speak about it too much. My underlying worry is that proponents of collaboration do themselves a disservice by failing to engage in a debateRead… Read more »

Office of Implementation Assessment: Creating a Crowdsourced Virtual Agency

I believe that the best argument made by Eggers and O’Leary in If We Can Put a Man on the Moon was the need for lawmakers to consider how their proposals will be implemented when the programs are passed to the agencies. I was thinking about this when I was visiting the Woodrow Wilson Center’sRead… Read more »

Community Building: Why It’s the Perfect Time to Get Engaged

When I first moved to Washington DC four years ago, I only knew a handful of people, 2-3 at best. After a series of Friday nights staying in and doing my laundry, I decided I needed to make some friends. So, I hopped on it. Since running is a long-time passion, and something you canRead… Read more »

The Scoop on the New Rules for Woman-Owned Small Businesses

Small business administration has been very active these days. They have been issuing rulings left and right and coming down like a ton of bricks on long-established business practices. By the way, GTSI is back to working for the government but they cannot continue subbing to small businesses the way they were doing it. OneRead… Read more »

Lundy & Thomler: World eDemocracy Awards to Boost Australia’s Global Reputation & Credibility in Gov 2.0

Senator Kate Lundy and Craig Thomler have both commented that their respective win and nomination at the World eDemocracy Awards will boost Australia’s reputation and “provide global credibility and interest in Australia” for Gov 2.0 approaches. Commenting on her win to awards organisers, Lundy said it recognised Australia’s progress in Gov 2.0 and would improveRead… Read more »

Open Government goes on Broadway at Fedtalks

What did I learn at Fedtalks? The Department of Defense is way ahead of the country on electronic health records. The Veterans Administration’s new “Blue Button” is a sorely needed salve to disabled veterans. By 2014, NASA CTO Chris Kemp estimates that Generation Y will be over 47% of the workforce. President Obama knows howRead… Read more »