
How to Calculate the High-Three Average Salary

Everybody knows what the high-three is – right? – but who knows how to calculate the high-three? Definition. The high-three is the highest average salary obtained by averaging an employee’s salary over a consecutive 36-month period, with each salary weighted for the time it was in effect. In calculating the high-three, use basic salary only,Read… Read more »

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I’m speaking to you as a Survivor, something I never thought I would be but I’m proud to say it and I want everyone to remember that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Sure, we make jokes about “saving the Ta-Ta’s” and “yeah, I check my wife’s all the time” but let’s get serious forRead… Read more »

Survivor Annuity, Retire Happy, Save a Life – Maybe Your Own, & UPDATES

A soon to be retired fed contacted me last month about an estimate they received from their HR department with a grossly incorrect survivor benefit cost estimate. The employee was advised that a full survivor benefit for their spouse would reduce their monthly benefit by one third! Incorrect high estimates like this can put theRead… Read more »

10/10/10 – One Day, One Way to Get a Glimpse of Earth’s Story

When I was in elementary school, our community renovated the school’s playground. As part of the project, students and their families were asked to share items – newspaper articles, clothing, music, etc. – that would go in a time capsule, which was to be buried underneath the playground. The idea was that someone decades downRead… Read more »

Looks Like You’re a Lightning Rod (Again) This Election Cycle

Lisa Rein of the Washington Post asked GovLoop’ers last week if “Federal salaries are too high.” You gave her a great deal of feedback (37 comments) on her way to writing a story this past Saturday for the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/24/AR2010092406370.html?sid%3DST2010092406437 Here’s how it starts: From her sixth-floor office at the National Science Foundation inRead… Read more »