
Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 9, 2010

Should it stay or should it go? David Eaves: The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics and An Interview with Alex Howard Andrea DiMaio: Why We Must Get Rid of Open Government John Moore: The Missing Links of Government 2.0 Gadi Ben-Yehuda: Becoming Citizen 2.0 – Step One, Consumer Chris Amico: Gov 2.0 – Challenge.govRead… Read more »

The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics

One promise of open data is its ability to inform citizens and consumers about the quality of local services. At the Gov 2.0 Summit yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Resources announced it was releasing data on hospitals, nursing homes and clinics in the hopes that developers will create applications that show citizensRead… Read more »

A Tale Of Two Architects

Over the weekend, I heard a story from a builder. He has two multi-unit residential projects going up in the same town, which were both penalized by the local building inspector taking a progressive interpretation of the building regulations. He has a different architect for each project, from different out-of-towns. He called each architect toRead… Read more »

Call for Papers: JURISIN 2010

A call for papers — with extended submission deadline of 20 September 2010 — has been issued for JURISIN 2010: The 4th International Workshop on Juris-informatics, to be held 18-19 November 2010, at the Campus Innovation Center Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. The workshop is collocated with JSAI-isAI 2010: The Second JSAI International Symposia on Artificial Intelligence.Read… Read more »

You Can Do It, Federal Employees! Break Your Own CFC Giving Record!

“With some 25,000 participating charities, the CFC is the world’s largest and most successful workplace charitable drive. Last year Federal workers and military personnel pledged over $283 million dollars, setting a new CFC record. Donations to the CFC change lives and bring relief and hope to thousands of communities and millions of Americans. I’ve alwaysRead… Read more »

Vital Signs Reports

New CDC Reports Provide “Vital” Information About Smoking CDC Vital Signs materials released on September 7 focus on adult smoking rates and trends as well as secondhand smoke exposure in the United States. Learn more about what percentage of U.S. nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke and which states have the highest smoking rates.

Project of the Week: Challenge.gov

1. What is Challenge.gov and what was the impetus for the project?Challenge.gov is a platform which allows federal agencies to post challenges, and at the same time, allows the public to find challenges. The impetus: In a March 8, 2010 memorandum, OMB Deputy Director for Management Jeffrey Zients provided legal guidance on the use ofRead… Read more »