
UK Public Service Agreements – Lessons for Obama Performance Initiatives

Are there lessons from the use of Public Service Agreements over the past decade in the UK for the implementation of the Obama Administration’s High Priority Performance Goals? Volumes have been written on how to develop performance measures and targets. However, comparatively little has been written on how to use measures to monitor or manage.Read… Read more »

AIIM Messiest Desk Contest – win a scanner

Free yourself from the shackles of too much paper. Win a Kodak scanner. Here’s how. Do co-workers place orange cones around your cubicle? Can they see you when they stop by for a visit? Do you have piles (you’ll say stacks) of – paper, magazines, newspapers, spreadsheets, a report on greenbar paper from 1989 –Read… Read more »

Do you need Customer Service Trainng? Check out Web Manager University’s September Courses.

Customer Service… Citizen Service… Citizen Centered… It doesn’t matter what you call it – providing a great customer experience is priceless. Web Manager University’s September events focus on the customer – why good customer service is important, meeting the customer where they are, and things every government web manager should know about customer service. CheckRead… Read more »

Model Customers

I am seeing that service providers get some funny ideas about the people they serve. In many industries, I have observed that continuing exposure creates a callous attitude, or familiarity breeds contempt. Yesterday I received an email from a sales trainer I have never met, saying my problem was fear and then gave me aRead… Read more »

New Rules for the New Resume

Hi everyone – I’m excited to be here at GovLoop! A bit about me, I’m a Director of Communications at the Government of Ontario, Canada, working in Cabinet Office. I’m also a late GenX and early Netgen kinda guy! I write to an internal Ontario gov blog and thought I’d share and cross-post some ofRead… Read more »

Infrastructure Links Products to Markets Worldwide

KPMG’s Infrastructure Advisory Team has published its “Top 100″ compiling infrastructure projects from around the globe. International channel pros and marketing experts ought to care a lot about the quality of roads, canals, bridges and power transmission systems. It’s inspiration and creativity, on a mammoth scale. Like Hanson Marketing, infrastructure Links Products to Markets Worldwide.Read… Read more »

Digital IQ’s…Whose is the Highest in the Senate?

Here’s the article from Politico which crowns the 73 year old senator: John McCain, Twitter genius By MEREDITH SHINER | John McCain may be in the political battle of his life to save his Senate seat in Arizona — but he’s a Twitter genius, according to a new report released Thursday. In a joint studyRead… Read more »