
New Customers

Many businesses are looking for new customers. They observe buyers are squeezing margins, new competitors are taking accounts. Yesterday, I was asked if a federal government reverse auction was “fair?” Fair? Google went public with a reverse auction. It’s not about fair, the question is does it work? Much of the new competition comes fromRead… Read more »

Why Political Campaigns Need a New Media Director – Social Media Use Beats $ in Newark, NJ Election

A Campaign Reaches All Its Constituents – Smart Use of Social Media Works in Campaigns Stephanie Noble acted as the Director of Social Media Outreach to the understaffed and underfunded Darrin Sharif for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Council political campaign. The goal was to effectively reach a diverse constituency via social media to battleRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 24, 2010

The data, it connects us: David McCandless: The Beauty of Data Visualization Austin Carr: Candidates Turn to YouTube for Geo-Specific Ad Campaigns for Mid-term Elections Sean Reilly: Future of rule making – Pilot project aims to increase public participation Andrew Wilson: Envisioning a More Social Future for Public Health Amelia Chen: Twitter is Buzziest inRead… Read more »

Human Resource Specialist Are Looking For Buzz Words

In order to craft your resume appropriately, you need to use action/buzz words to show that you possess either entry-level, mid-level, or executive level experience. In most cases, you will want to overlap these action/buzz words between your current position level and the position level that you are applying to. The Federal Resume Toolbox hasRead… Read more »

Social Media Myths: 5 Roadblocks to Discovery

In recent years, social media has emerged as the hottest Internet phenomenon ever created. Yet, despite its prominence as the number one online activity, the promise that social media holds for governments, businesses, educators, and politicians has yet to be fully realized. This is due in large part to (1) a variety of incorrect mythsRead… Read more »