
Does Gov 2.0 Lead to Improved Government? Proving the Case

Gov 2.0 advocates claim that their various projects in social networking and open government will, of course, lead to improved performance from government agencies and more satisfactory citizen engagement. But where is the proof? As Poister, Pitts, and Edwards (2010) conclude from their analysis of the last twenty years of strategic management in the publicRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 21, 2010

Start your weekend early, with tomorrow’s hot links today: Alex Howard: Space IT, the final frontier Courtney Clark: What’s Your Story? User Stories Instead of Technical Documentation Allan Holmes: Craigslist creator tries to bring initiative out of the shadows Shai Sacks: Learning how to lobby Congress Mark Higginson: Social Media Energizes Political Campaigns Down UnderRead… Read more »

A Cliffside View of Government Oversight

Having mused over our journal’s fall 2010 forum (The Public Manager, presently in layout) on lessons learned from Katrina and the more recent BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – it’s hard not to get sick over government’s failure to see in advance that something was terribly wrong, about to go over theRead… Read more »

Creative Solution

Will Marshall of Marshall Strategic Marketing has been getting some spectacular results for his clients. We were talking about how that happens and I realized he is doing something I learned about 30 years ago, finding the Creative Solution. It’s difficult to positively define the creative solution. I get irritated when I am looking forRead… Read more »

GovUp: We Love You San Francisco!

Last night we kicked off our GovLoop National tour and we definitely made the right choice starting in the city by the bay: San Francisco. First off I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad time when you get tons of Govies together and last night we packed the Minna Gallery with over 100 awesomeRead… Read more »

Telework and COOP: What If Your Building Goes Bye-Bye?

Telework and COOP Earlier this month I participated in a blog that asked the question; “What happens if your building is knocked out forever?”. The responses were many and interesting as they discussed the need: for relationships with real estate groups to have contingent space, relationships with distributors for replacing equipment hot sites and coldRead… Read more »

Success Rule # 3 – Volunteer for more work

Yup that’s right. I find, when asked, most people WANT more work – as long as it’s meaningful and purposeful. When possible look for those opportunities. It’s an opportunity to contribute to the team, to learn something new, and to gain an appreciation … and greater understanding perhaps of the bigger picture. When you volunteerRead… Read more »

Not gone but forgotten: The truth about disabled vets returning to work

We bring you this post courtesy of Josh Letourneau and our friends at Fistful of Talent. It’s targeted to recruiters and hiring managers, but the information and message is appropriate for all. Today’s post is going to take on a more serious, impactful tone – my hope is that it touches the reader as muchRead… Read more »

Economic Recovery in The Americas; Mexico Evolves

Last month, I attended a briefing by Doctor Federico Rubli, Director of External Relations for Banco de Mexico, hosted by San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce. Since Banco de Mexico is Mexico’s Central Bank, the equivalent to the US Federal Reserve, it was a privilege for me to hear him speak in such a casual,Read… Read more »