
Are you a Gov 2.0 activist?

Australia’s Government Chief Information Officer, Ann Steward, urged civil servants to become Gov 2.0 activists at the FutureGov Forum Australia yesterday (Tuesday 27th July). She also had strong words for government agencies on the accessibility of their online services. From Asia/Pacific FutureGov. All very true and great stuff Ann. To get Gov 2.0 happening onRead… Read more »

mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””> Every year more than 32 000 people die by suicide in the mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””>United States mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””> mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””>http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/suicide/suicidedatasheet.pdf mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””> mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””> Rates of presentation to ’emergency departments’ for suicide-related reasons increased almost 50% from 1992-2001 and show no sign of declining.(3) These figures reflect Emergency Medicine’s increasing burden of responsibility and care for suicidal patients. mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””> mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none””>TheRead… Read more »


Aon Consulting’s Federal Practice is in the middle of its first radio campaign with WTOP. Aon is sponsoring the Human Capital Solutions Report. Are the topics helpful, informative? You may listen to all spots (mp3 files) and read collateral at www.aonfederal.com. Comments/feedback welcome at [email protected].

CB2: Getting Emergency Notification Right

Mobile emergency notifications can save lives by getting important messages out to (or soliciting them from) the public quickly. Whether it’s a phone call delivering a tornado warning minutes before touchdown or a text message alerting students of a shooter on campus, there’s no doubt that it’s an invaluable service when done right. But whatRead… Read more »

DAV Traveling the Country to help our Veterans

Last week I highlighted for you some of the work that HP recently did with the PVA National Wheelchair Games in Denver. The important part of the event was not our sponsorship or providing the technology to help out the games, it was about the stories of the tremendous veterans we met who have livedRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week – HealthCare.gov

HealthCare.gov launched on June 30, 2010. It’s a website that puts the power back into the citizens hands by providing them the access of information right at their fingertips. “It’s the first website to collect both public and private health insurance options across the nation in a single place. Even better, our insurance options finderRead… Read more »

Keys to Strengthening Buy-in, Trust and Team Coordination in a Generationally-Culturally Diverse (Military) Workforce — Part II

Part I of this two-part series has delineated five of the “Top Ten Tools and Strategies for Strengthening Buy-in, Trust and Team Coordination among a Generationally-Culturally Diverse (Military) Workforce,” including building communication bridges and fostering a team/systems concept that has application for both military and non-military work settings. The first five “Tools and Strategies” are:1.Read… Read more »

Statement Of MEP CEO Chris Taylor To The Commission On Wartime Contracting

Available at http://www.missionep.com/news/press-release?id=21 Chairman Thibault, Chairman Shays, distinguished members of the Commission: I am honored to have the opportunity to represent Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (“MEP”) before you today. Our entire company appreciates the Commission’s hard work in reviewing U.S. Government contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I look forward to today’s specific discussion ofRead… Read more »