
In Challenging Times, No More “Inner Child”: Boldly Bring Your Inner Chutzpah

Over lunch, my agent posed a provocative challenge: “Write an article on chutzpah.” He believes the timing is right. In this difficult economy and uncertain times it’s certainly tempting to withdraw into a shell. But a better strategy might be a contrary one, throwing off the shell and putting yourself out there. One “chutzpah” sourceRead… Read more »

What would Martin Luther King Jr. say about the Open Government Directive? Are we on the right path?

“I Have A Dream” The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. August 28, 1963 “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day thisRead… Read more »

CFCNCA Hits the $62 Million Mark

There is still time to help those who need it the most. The CFCNCA supports more than 4,000 approved local, national and international charities that reach out to millions of people with life-saving, life-enriching services. Use the online charity search to find CFC-supported agencies that may interest you. The CFCNCA ends on January 15, 2010Read… Read more »

Share you PIV LACS experience

I am trying to establish a network of government employees tasked with implementing Logical Access Control (LACS) with HSPD-12 PIV cards. I would like this network to share lessons learned in implemenations and technical information on the configuration, testing and support of these solutions. If you are interested in contributing please let me know.

CFCNCA Hits the $60 Million Mark!

There is still time to help those who need it the most. The CFCNCA supports more than 4,000 approved local, national and international charities that reach out to millions of people with life-saving, life-enriching services. Use the online charity search to find CFC-supported agencies that may interest you. The CFCNCA ends on January 15, 2010Read… Read more »

Help for Haiti Conference Call

In the wake of the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti Tuesday, many concerned government, NGO and private sector technology folks from diverse organizations are mobilizing to help. I’m especially proud of the fact that some of my friends and colleagues from the Crisis Camp community are leading the charge. If you are a humanitarian assistance,Read… Read more »