
Consumer Electronics Show: The Takeaway

In 1830s America, the fur trade introduced the forerunner of the American trade fair: the rendezvous, a regular annual gathering where all the bargaining and the buying were done. In wide pastures at the foot of the mountains, the Indian traders and fur trappers gathered with their pelts and the buyers came in with dollarsRead… Read more »

Thoughts on Gov 2.0 and Israel

So just got an opportunity to tell “The GovLoop Story” to Israel government officials who are looking how to use social media and social networking in their own country. Actually, Israel has created its own community based on the GovLoop concept and I felt honored by saying GovLoop was an inspiration. After my talk, IRead… Read more »

Sweden’s Vision of eGovernment

I haven’t had a chance to read this document yet, but wanted to share it with you. Looks like it was published November 2009, but I just saw it float across the #Gov20 hashtag. If you review it, I’m sure GovLoop’ers would be eager to get your thoughts. Sweden eGovernment of Tomorrow Favorite

Does Having a Kid Make You More Efficient?

Does Having a Kid Make You More Efficient? I firmly believe that constraints are good. I hate having a million choices. If you give me unlimited freedome, I get baffled. Unlimited time – I’ll procrastinate. A number of people have told me that having a child has made them a much better, efficient employee. ChildrenRead… Read more »

Why are violent crime rates falling? We Want Your Opinion

Gentlereaders: This is the title of an editorial in the Washington Post on Saturday, January 2, 2010. And as you can see from the national statistic on the bottom half of this article, crime is indeed down and down considerably. There are two thoughts that come to our minds when discussing the decline if crime.Read… Read more »

Great insights from the Massachusetts Governor’s Office on Using Social Media

When I ask those in Government what models they follow for Open Government I regularly hear Massachusetts, and the Governor’s office in particular. I reached out to the Brad Blake, Director, New Media & Online Strategy for the Governor, and he was kind enough to spend a lot of time responding to these questions. WhileRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: MLK Technology Challenge (#MLKTech)

Everyone has a wish list – we know that many schools have tech wish lists – nagging projects that just never seem to get completed; or fun, new and innovative projects that you need just a bit more capacity to get off the ground. The MLK Tech Challenge is here to help. The aim isRead… Read more »

US DOT and Second Life: “Transportation Nation” Island

My government 2.0 worlds just collided this morning. I participated in the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting yesterday and am now at the Open Government Directive Workshop Series. One of the presenters at the OGD event was Adam Schlicht of DOT, who highlighted DOT’s Second Life island called “Transportation Nation.” I found one of hisRead… Read more »