
Social Networks; from knowledge Management to Knowing

Its an interesting point as to whether any organisation of size can function with out both ‘Business Intelligence’ meaning reporting on how well it is succeeding against the operational measures it has set itself, and its Knowledge Management system as its reference base of experience gained. However both are also strongly internally focussed and makeRead… Read more »

Why Does Anybody Play Chess?!!

So there’s this little chess gadget, wherein a user can play a computer opponent… I have probably played a thousand times on the “easy” level and I have won exactly one time. And yet, I keep trying…. In frustration I rhetorically blustered “Why on earth does anybody play this game?!!!” Really, sometimes the computer beatsRead… Read more »

Facebook | How Police Can Use As A Social Media Tool

Facebook is an extremely powerful social media community that has become larger than I am sure many Facebook executives would admit they thought was possible. Facebook had over 2.5 billion visits last month (10/2009), which is quite stunning. There are millions of people visiting Facebook billions of times a month to communicate with each other,Read… Read more »

Can you help me ID sites to post job openings?

The official place to post federal job openings is usajobs.gov. But we’re also allowed to post them on other online job sites. I’m guessing we’ll simply describe the jobs in plain language and then link to the usajobs listing. So I’m looking for suggestions. Whatcha know? Especially helpful would be links to articles or otherRead… Read more »

10 Examples how Local Governments can use Twitter

This is a cross-post of: http://dotgov.com I attended an eGov seminar some years ago. One of the speakers was a city webmaster and he kept raving about Twitter. At that time, Twitter was still pretty new and mainly used to tell your friends that you had a bad hair day. His presentation set the toneRead… Read more »

The Virtual World is Flat- How social media is helping good ideas get heard

The Army is probably about as stratified and hierarchical an organization as you will find where everyone has a place in the system from Private to General. That system has existed for literally thousands of years but I believe the social media revolution is creating a virtual flattening like never seen before where anyone withRead… Read more »