
Nonprofit Organizations: Myths and Facts

“Nonprofit” Does Not Mean “No Money” Recent news reports claimed that the IRS targeted extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for nonprofit tax exemptions. It was much ado about nothing. But it’s time to clarify nonprofits’ legal status and their social roles in our culture. The Internal Revenue Service’s regulation of nonprofit organizations was aRead… Read more »

New Public Management: A New Style for Government Administration

Is running the government like a business a good idea? New Public Management (NPM) is a relatively new style of government administration. In short, NPM revolves around running the government like a business. NPM focuses more specifically on seven different traits of running the government like a business: Customer orientation, Efficiency and effectiveness, Competition, possiblyRead… Read more »

Collecting Social Security While Still Working and CSRS Concerns

A site visitor to one of our forums stated that she was 66 and still working and was CSRS offset. A colleague suggested that she think about drawing social security now versus waiting until she retires. Once you reach age 66 you can earn unlimited amounts without reducing your Social Security benefit. She had beenRead… Read more »

Get Your Golden Ticket for NextGen!

UPDATE: GovLoop staff will be at the McPherson, Fed Triangle, Smithsonian and L’Enfant metro stations giving away a free ticket to NextGen on 6/26. The best things in life are free. We are talking nothing. Free of charge. No strings attached. You’ve come to the right place if you like free. We are offering threeRead… Read more »

Stakeholders: The Best Way to Make People Care About Evaluations

Effective government evaluations require the identification and engagement of stakeholders When constructing evaluations for the government, the best way to get people on your side is to identify and engage stakeholders. This is especially helpful when your particular government agency holds a negative view of evaluations. Below, I (1) define the stakeholder concept, (2) discussRead… Read more »