
Behavioural Economics- Focusing on a single point can let opportunity slip by

On this rainy, Friday afternoon, I had the opportunity to attend the Tech@State: Moneyball Diplomacy event at George Washington University. One panel in particular on behavioral economics stood out. Take a look at this video (many of you may have already seen this). Count how many times they pass the ball around: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo Did youRead… Read more »

Top 10 Social Media Tools to Determine Your Return on Investment

How do you ensure that you are properly using social media and not wasting time or money? Try these social media tools to measure your ROI! When utilizing social media, it is extremely important for organizations, especially public and nonprofit, to ensure that they are properly employing social media platforms to meet mission objectives. ToRead… Read more »

Understanding portfolio thinking to improve your organization

Categorize information into meaningful “buckets” I think one of the things that I see more often than anything else is organizations struggling with getting information in the right places to make the right decisions. There’s a sense that they’re not sure how they’re performing or it’s hard for the organization to understand how it’s doing.Read… Read more »

TSP Investment Timing and the Retiree’s Dilemma

The stock market is up and the DOW stock market index has recovered from its low of 6629 in March of 2009 to over 15,000 recently. Interest rates and yields on CDs, treasuries, and savings have remained historically low. The government has artificially maintaining interest rates well below norm to stimulate the economy and toRead… Read more »

IRS Scandal

Ever since this scandal broke, on or about the 14th of May, I have struggled to see what the beef is, other than some effort by some to gain political traction for their agenda. The first problem I have: I don’t believe that any organization which engages in political activity should be granted tax exemptRead… Read more »

What The Walking Dead can teach us about Economic Development

Today’s economy is a challenging environment for economic development, but it’s no zombie apocalypse. With The Walking Dead setting ratings records, it’s safe to say plenty of economic development professionals watch every episode. But does this nerve-wracking saga of desperate survivors battling flesh-eating zombies offer anything worth pondering from an economic development standpoint? Of courseRead… Read more »