
Logic Models: The Best Way to Ensure Proper Program Design and Implementation

Good Idea + Smart Design + Effective Implementation = Successful Program! Logic models are great way to gain a better understanding of a program and its position within the overall organization. Many program evaluators recommend organizations, especially public and nonprofit, create these models to ensure that a program is effective in meeting its intended goals.Read… Read more »

Earn Extra Income in Retirement and Have Fun at the Same Time

Retirees and employees alike often need extra income to just get by, pay off debt, or to save for special occasions or a rainy day. There are many part time job offers that you must be cautious of such as advertisements that offer unrealistic wages and annual incomes with little work involved. Real opportunities takeRead… Read more »

The One-Stop Shop for Health Insurance

Yesterday, the White House released a memo outlining the prospects of the upcoming Health Insurance Marketplace to increase choice and control for consumers. The Marketplace (aka Exchanges) will be operated differently in each state, but will nonetheless serve as the single application through which folks will be able to see if they qualify for financialRead… Read more »

Chamber of Commerce Among Groups Seeking Role in Trans-Pacific Trade Talks

The latest round of negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement has attracted lobbyists from multinational corporations and trade groups looking to shape the pact’s language, The Washington Post reported Monday. Catherine Ho writes at least 185 enterprises and industry coalitions have lobbied on the agreement, which seeks to ease trade barriers and open marketRead… Read more »