
Is Government Just Pockets of Excellence?

Government is full of the best and the brightest, in fact, you might argue that the world’s foremost scientist, engineers, topic experts all reside in government. So why is it so difficult to make progress? “It’s a pocket of excellence issue,” said Richard Spires, CIO, DHS, ” he told the crowd assembled at the Excellence.GovRead… Read more »

The Budget and the Sequester – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Sequestration carries the threat of widespread furloughs of many federal employees, but the alternatives could amount to a case of pick your poison for those same feds. We go over the alternatives with the Post’s Eric Yoder. Click here for the full recap. The DorobekINSIDER sequestration reader: day 4 — focusingRead… Read more »

Improve your diet, improve your life

Feeling good is a big part of executing well and performing at a high level. One of the things that I’ve found that’s really helped me over the last year is having a much cleaner diet. I know that this is fairly outside the realm of topics that I usually cover but I believe itRead… Read more »

Sequester Day 3 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Budget cuts, scandals and travel restrictions have caused the General Service Administration to cancel their 2013 Expo. We talk with Larry Allen about the impacts of the cancelled conference. Click here for the full recap. The DorobekINSIDER sequestration reader: Day 3 Unlike the government shutdowns during the Clinton years, nothing muchRead… Read more »

Looking to Make Connections

Hello Everyone! I am a young professional looking to make new connections. I am looking to learn about new positions, find out tips when applying for government positions, how to stand out from the crowd, how to enter the DC market when I am in Cleveland, etc. Below is a breif snapshot of me, butRead… Read more »

Characteristics Female Voters Find Attractive in Male Candidates Running For Local Public Offices

A study conducted by the Association of Women Voters of America {AWVA} in 2012 revealed there are several characteristics female voters find attractive in male candidates running for local public offices {i.e. County Boards, City Councils, School Boards, Township Offices, Village Boards, Parishes and Boroughs etc.}. The characteristics that seem to attract to women votersRead… Read more »