
Are budgets cuts a big deal? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Sunlight Foundation reports that $1.55 trillion dollars has misrepresented in federal spending in 2011. That baffling number is just one of the findings for the Clearspending report. But how can that happen? And how can agencies adequately manage when they don’t have a firm grip on their spending? Click hereRead… Read more »

Are the days of the U.S. mail numbered? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We get it, being in government is tough and it’s only getting tougher with budget cuts and sequestration. But one way to weather the storm is to cling tight to your leadership core principles. Click here for the full recap. As you know, government conferences are under fire. So what isRead… Read more »

ERP How can we make it more user friendly?

I’m a member of the Corporate Management Development Program(CMDP) Class of 2013. My group is doing a project on how to make ERP more user friendly for the Department of the Navy workforce. If anyone out there has suggestios, commets,opinions or private industry contacts I would love to hear from you. Thanks!

White House doubles down on Cybersecurity – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 2012 was a banner year for the Thrift Savings Plan. Funds across the board saw marked improvements. But do you know what each fund actually does? Insights from the TSP’s Kim Weaver. But up front: Cybersecurity The New York Times reports today that the Obama administration is seeking broad powers toRead… Read more »

Business-government collaboration excels with development of new Cybersecurity center of excellence

The recent hack of the New York Times made all of us think about the quality (our lack of?) of our corporate and national cybersecurity systems. Luckily, gorvernment and businesses are collaborating to maximize our national cybersecurity. In this article an overview on the methods the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) and businesses useRead… Read more »

Tomorrow’s Webinar: Think big, start small, scale fast

Back in December, I interviewed General Dale Meyerrose about organizational transformation and leadership. I posted the three-part interview here, here, and here. When asked about his approach for managing change, General Meyerrose answered with “Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast.” Tomorrow, Dale is going to be giving a free webinar on the subject of ThinkRead… Read more »

Facebook Graph Search and the Variables: There’s a Difference Between “Like” and “like”

Since Graph Search was announced by Facebook, bloggers and digital nerds have been singing its praises and aggressively speculating on what other search engines/sites this new tool will take down (Google watch out! Yelp you’re going down! FourSquare don’t even think about it!). Through the buzz, I have remained cautious, and then I came acrossRead… Read more »

Is the clock still king?

Writing about remote work yesterday got me thinking about leave policies in general. I’ve read recently about boutique and tech start-ups that have no defined leave policy and it really resonates with me. My assumption is that in many knowledge work oriented professions that if you are smart enough to work there, you are smartRead… Read more »

Is Sequestration Back? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: When the President was Inaugurated on Monday, he unveiled a broad agenda for the next four years. But one thing was missing from his inaugural address – civil service reform and management. Tom Fox tells us why management matters.Click here for the full recap. Next year, millennials will make up moreRead… Read more »