
White House’s Sequestration details due in one month — DorobekINSIDER 7 stories you need to know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 8th of July, 2012 President Obama has signed a law requiring the administration to provide Congress with a list of sequester budget cuts. Should sequestration occur in January, the executive branch would need to make an immediate $110 billion reduction in 2013 spending. Politico saysRead… Read more »

White House’s Sequestration details due in one month — DorobekINSIDER 7 stories you need to know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 8th of July, 2012 President Obama has signed a law requiring the administration to provide Congress with a list of sequester budget cuts. Should sequestration occur in January, the executive branch would need to make an immediate $110 billion reduction in 2013 spending. Politico saysRead… Read more »

Pentagon is developing insect like sensors — DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories you need to know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 7th of August, 2012 HP Enterprise Services is close to closing a $2.1 billion dollar Navy contract to continue operating the Navy and Marine Corps Intranet. GovConWire reports, HP owns and controls most of the infrastructure and software for running the NMCI after obtaining theRead… Read more »

The STOCK Act get delayed — The DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories You need to Know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 6th of August, 2012 Senior executives and political appointees get a temporary reprieve from the STOCK Act. Federal News Radio says Congress has delayed by a month parts of the new law aimed at preventing high level federal officials from using official knowledge for stockRead… Read more »

Transformer Agencies: Using the New Science of Resilience to Reform Government Agencies

I just finished Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back by Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy which details new research in the question of how some systems recover from traumatic events. The concepts behind resilience are familiar to people who have studied complexity and systems theory. Basically, resilient systems have the following characteristics: Tight feedback loopsRead… Read more »

What the 8 Disqualified Olympians Teach us About Management

Around the world, one of the more surprising stories from the Olympics has been the disqualification of eight badminton Olympians. The disqualifications were for attempting to lose games to play lower ranked teams. I thought this story was perfect to start a conversation on leadership, and as managers, the importance of not enabling poor behavior.Read… Read more »

What will actually be cut in sequestration? The White House says they can’t answer that — DorobekINSIDER

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 2nd of August, 2012 While there may be a budget deal for at least part of fiscal 2014, there is still a lot of wrangling around sequestration. Congress and the administration continued to square off those automatic spending cuts. Members of the House Armed ServiceRead… Read more »

Open Government and Taxes

Atlanta recently thumbs downed a proposal to increase taxes to fund much needed transportation improvements. Although the tax hike would have been 1% and would have in theory created an economic boom in the area, the residents responded resoundingly that they don’t trust their government and wont give the government any more money. So areRead… Read more »