
You Are a Brand: What is your Self-Brand?

You Are a Brand!Destiny is a dramatic word—but really, the first step in branding is identifying your business destiny. Whether you are an employee or an executive, a professional or an entrepreneur, you need to determine your personal brand, the unique value you – and only you – bring to your organization. Catherine Kaputa DescribeRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: White House weighs in on Sequestration

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday day the 19th of July, 2012 If sequestration happens — and that is still being debated — where will the cuts actually come from? The Obama administration hasn’t said. The House has now voted The House easily passed a bill requiring the Obama administration to provideRead… Read more »

Budget 101 — A historical perspective and beating back the bad press

On today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER We know budgets are tight — but are they the most austere budgets ever? A historical perspective on the budget crunch — and advice on how to survive it. Click here for the full story. Beating back from the bad press — leading when times are tough. Click hereRead… Read more »

Student Loan Repayment Boosts Federal Workforce

Turns out, paying back student loans can result in more and better candidates for job openings within the federal workforce and better retention and satisfaction once they’re hired. As the No. 1 federal department in helping employees pay back their student loans, the Department of Defense cities the program designed for doing so as aRead… Read more »

Chicago Hires An Advertising Consultant, Should Other Cities Do The Same?

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel estimates that Chicago can raise $25 million by letting companies advertise on city assets. Chicago has now hired an advertising consultant at a cost of $144,000 to help the City generate advertising revenue. Other municipalities have considered creative ways to generate advertising revenue such as: – transit riders in Philadelphia buyRead… Read more »

Strategy and Leadership for Innovation: Making it Real, Urgent, and Attainable

Creating a reliable capability for innovation requires that a number of factors be addressed and aligned. This article addresses strategy and leadership, but equally important are culture, process, roles, skills, etc. Our prior article lays out an eight-element framework outlining each of these key factors. To assess your organization’s innovation capability across these dimensions, andRead… Read more »