
BYOD Successes? Private Sector Keeps It Under Wraps; Agencies Share

Recently EEOC share BYOD successes with Federal Technology Insider and we’ve tapped into other sources that best practices. Yet, private sector seems to be keeping projects under wraps. Want to know a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) secret? Good luck gaining any insight from corporations. While these organizations are generally considered to be further alongRead… Read more »

Celebrating International Women’s Day – and Workplace Flexibility!

Today is International Women’s Day, a holiday that originated as a way of recognizing working women and promoting fair and safe working conditions. Many women across the globe face the most basic issues with respect to the conditions in which they work. In the US, we are lucky to have made great strides in thisRead… Read more »

Kimberly Hancher, CIO of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discusses BYOD Successes

This exclusive interview was published by Federal Technology Insider. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently implemented a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) pilot program to meet urgent IT budget challenges. As a result of the effort, the agency was able to achieve significant savings, while enhancing employee productivity – all while creating the ideal case studyRead… Read more »

Does Mobility Destroy Creativity?

With Telework Week fast approaching on March 4th and the leaked memo from Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, turning back the clock on workplace flexibility, it seems like a good time to comment on the twin concepts of “connection” and “innovation.” Whatever Mayer’s real motivation for wanting to bring the Yahoo workforce back into the office,Read… Read more »

Accellion is the #1 choice of IT and Security professionals for enterprise file sharing and sync

Download Free Gartner MarketScope Report: Accellion, Inc., has received the highest rating possible, a “Strong Positive” in the Gartner MarketScope for “Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing based on evaluation of the Accellion Secure Mobile File sharing solution.” The Gartner MarketScope notes that “enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) offerings enable productivity and collaboration for mobileRead… Read more »

Peering into the BYOD Crystal Ball

GovLoop’s Chris Dorobek hosted a special live edition of the DorobekINSIDER. The hot topic of the day was BYOD and we gathered an excellent group of professionals to share their expertise on our panel. (Click here for the full recap.) We were joined by Kimberly Hancher, Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology (OIT), EEOC,Read… Read more »

Building a More Efficient Government with GIS Technology

Many public organizations are using GIS technology to become more efficient and better manage their various facilities. One great case study is how the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) developed a smartphone app to report repair issues in real-time. LAUSD is the second largest public school district in the US and manages facilities thatRead… Read more »

Harris County Shooting Puts iWatch In the News

Teamwork between different law enforcement agencies is one of the key concepts to keep children safe. This was perhaps the most discussed topic at a town hall meeting held by the Harris County Sheriff’s Office last night. By Lilia Bonilla The meeting was held at the North Campus of San Jacinto Community College. Representatives fromRead… Read more »

Mag+ New Release Offers Flexibility Beyond Digital Publications

OmniStudio is excited to announce the 4.1 release of Mag+! The latest iteration of this beautiful and flexible publishing tool allows for clients to think outside the box of standard periodical publication and develop a mobile app that meets all their needs. Updated features will allow users to click on jump links Horizontal scrolling isRead… Read more »

BYOD: It’s Personal

With all of the talk and research that has been going on, it’s tough to ignore BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Lists of organizational pros and cons have been popping up in newspapers, tech reports and blogs attempting to educate private and public employees before their agency dives head first into a BYOD program. WhileRead… Read more »