
Wanted: cities and counties for co-creation of Gov2.0 iPhone App

DotGov, inc. is currently developing a Gov2.0 mobile platform for iPhone, Android and Blackberry. This innovative mobile app will bring your city/county services to the mobile phones of your citizens. We are looking for 5 local government organizations to participate in the creation process. Who can apply? We would like to invite 3 towns orRead… Read more »

Can We Have a Mobile City Hall?

I’m a huge fan of the potential of government moving into the mobile realm. I firmly believe that mobile is the future and it is a platform that government should be working on. One interesting potential connecting mobile and government is the idea of using mobile apps to report city blights (potholes, graffiti, etc). ThisRead… Read more »

Technology in Law Enforcement. What about Web 2.0?

Technology in Law Enforcement? I was having a conversation the other day with a newly appointed Chief of Police, Ray Douglas, from a small town close to Memphis. This newly sworn-in Chief was going through the process of determining what capabilities his staff had and what they lacked. During my conversation with Ray, I askedRead… Read more »