IT Modernization

Making Tax Filing Work for Every American 

Filing your taxes doesn’t need to be complicated. The IRS’ Direct File pilot program — building on decades of bipartisan support for such an approach — streamlines the filing process, saving Americans and the government significant time and expense.

Cloud: The Unsung Hero of Government Innovation

While artificial intelligence and zero trust may have been the big buzzwords in government IT this past year, cloud continues to make a steady and dynamic impact on how government works. The 2019 Federal Cloud Computing Strategy has guided and encouraged agencies to shift administrative and mission-focused systems to cloud platforms over the course of… Read more »

How Government Can Elevate Its Approach to Zero Trust

Put Zero Trust on New Footing

A zero-trust architecture (ZTA) security approach is essential for federal agencies. It requires continuous verification and strict access controls to protect sensitive government data. Unfortunately, several hurdles can obstruct agency efforts to make the most of zero trust: Regardless of the challenges, agencies must step up their game and take advantage of AI, automation, andRead… Read more »

A New Era of Federal Cybersecurity Will Begin With Automated Patching to Meet CISA and FISMA Guidelines

Automated patching is key to strengthening an agency’s cyber defenses. Comprehensive, strategic patch-management includes infrastructure audits, risk assessments, alignment with federal guidelines, automation, and agencywide collaboration.