Open Data

Using Data to Improve Foreign Assistance

We often forget the human aspect of data but improving data analytics and capabilities is more than just improving government. It means accessibility to water for someone halfway across the world, better building of schools, or smarter agricultural development methods in rural impoverished areas. When it comes down to it, big data can be harnessed toRead… Read more »

Your Data Is Crap, And It Isn’t Your Fault

How many agencies are in the federal government? Seems like a straightforward question, right? Well, it depends on whom you ask. Hudson Hollister, Founder and Executive Director of the Data Transparency Coalition, recalled his days working as a congressional staffer for Rep. Darrell Issa and searching for an answer to that very question. “One dayRead… Read more »

Choosing the Best Data Analytics Tool for Your Agency

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, the Open Data Playbook for Government. Download the full guide here. What separates good data from bad data? Well, a couple of things: How the data is displayed, its accuracy, and useful context about the data are all key. Whether we know it or not,Read… Read more »

Open Possibilities with Open Data

Sometimes it’s not the destination, but the journey that truly counts. That’s the philosophy some of the government’s best and brightest are adopting with open data programs. Open data is not just a single solution, but a path to solving the plethora of problems government faces now and will face in the future. Open dataRead… Read more »

Citizens See Crime Minute-By-Minute

Citizens across the country are increasingly seeing more of their governments utilize open data to develop interactive GIS platforms as the needs to citizens evolve. These platforms, built by Esri, have been successful in helping local governments enhance public engagement with open data to create better public service. Popular platforms such as Open Data MinneapolisRead… Read more »

How Many Staff Members Does It Take To Create Open Data

Here’s what I imagine your checklist looks like for financial transparency: Outline the city’s priorities? Check. Create a narrative, visualization tool for open data? Check. (Or read how-to here.) Generate citizen buy-in? Check. Hire the appropriate amount of staff? …Maybe. In last week’s online training, “How Kansas City Engaged Citizens with Open Data,” live audienceRead… Read more »

How Feds Implement the Nation’s First Open Data Law Is Key

It’s one thing for Congress to pass what has been dubbed the nation’s first open data law. It’s another thing for agencies to have the necessary resources to implement that law, along with the backing from senior leadership to fully embrace it. “How you implement legislation, how you follow through, is every bit as important,Read… Read more »

Here’s Why the DATA Act Is a Big Deal

Tracking federal spending is not for the faint of heart. For starters, the system doesn’t cater to curious citizens or concerned feds, who want to track spending from appropriations in Congress to contract and grant awards. Part of the problem is different agencies use different systems to compile data, and there isn’t a consistent wayRead… Read more »

Hacking for Good, One Community at a Time

On June 6, 2015 thousands of people from 106 communities took part in the National Day of Civic Hacking. Organized by Code for America, the annual event helps people come together and collaborate to make their communities stronger. The locally organized events welcome more than just those who crunch code. Around the country, organizers engaged people of all backgrounds, including tech experts, government employees, students, entrepreneurs,Read… Read more »