Open Data

Removing Data Silos for Better Collaboration

Governments face unique challenges in accomplishing complex missions – often with limited resources. That means that when it comes to tackling such missions, there are very few agencies in the public sector that can act alone. Through collaboration, information sharing and the removal of data silos, agencies can improve effectiveness and efficiency while achieving their… Read more »

Open Data 2.0: Transparency, Now With Focus

Governments often mark the success of open data by how many datasets they’ve published on open portals. But publishing data, I’d argue, is open data 1.0. Open data 2.0 involves putting these data to good use. It means open data that informs policymaking budgetary decisions, that raises awareness of issues, and ultimately, that empowers communities.

Maintaining Secure Critical Infrastructure

Threats to critical infrastructure come in every shape and size. Physical threats from malicious actors and environmental instability are always concerns, while threats in cyberspace are mounting every day. Add onto those risks the fact that government funds are diminishing while critical assets are aging, and the challenge of maintaining security can seem overwhelming.